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Workshop on the implementation of the IPARD Program and CAP

Objavljeno: 21.07.2014. 20:15 Autor: MPRR

Within the Twinning project activities, the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the National Fund of the Ministry of Finance had the opportunity to attend a workshop on IPARD Program implementation and Common Agricultural Policy from 1 to 3 July. Lecturers of the three-day training were Mr. Pieter van Vugt, former Deputy Head of the Dutch Paying Agency, Mr. Andrus Rahnu, Head of Direct Payments and Rural Development Department of the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board as well as Ms. Žaneta Pisarskienė, internal auditor at the National Paying Agency of Lithuania.

The European Union experts went through the entire process of IPARD program implementation in an interactive way with representatives of all departments of the Operating Structure, discussed current situation, needs and interactions in the implementation process.

The audience got familiar with history of Common Agricultural Policy which dates from 1962, its evolution, types of support measures, as well as future trends in its development until 2020. The participants discussed main aspects and perspective of CAP in Montenegro.

The last day of the training was dedicated to valuable experience of the Netherlands, Estonia and Lithuania in administering agricultural funds of the EU.

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