- Vlada Crne Gore
Uprava za kapitalne projekte MINUTES OF SITE VISIT & INFORMATION MEETING 18th J...
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Objavljeno: 08.07.2015. • 17:40 Autor: Direkcija javnih radova
Project Title: Design and construction of the New Electric Traction Substation “Trebešica” – Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro (RIoM)
Publication reference: EuropeAid/136807/IH/WKS/ME
The Contract Notice and Tender Dossier were published on the web sites of the EuropeAid, Tenders Electronic Daily (TED), Delegation of European Union to Montenegro, Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and Directorate of Public Works on 02nd of June 2015.
A mandatory information meeting and a site visit was held on 18th of June 2015 in Trebešica, Kolašin.
The company representatives were briefly informed about the site visit programme and were transported to the project area at 12:30 a.m. (local time - Montenegro).
In particular the following points which require to be taken into consideration during submission of tenders have been emphasized by the representatives of the Directorate of Public Works:
- All tenderers are kindly asked to submit questions to the Directorate of Public Works in writing up to 28th of July 2015 (21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders), by specifying the publication reference and the contract title via electronic mail as stated in item 8 of Instructions to Tenderers, in order to obtain official, distinctly and precise answers to sent questions.
- The Contracting Authority will reply to all tenderers’ questions up to 07th of August 2015 (11 days before the deadline for receipt of tenders).
- Questions and answers will be published on the EuropeAid website at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome, on the Directorate of Public Works - Montenegro website www.djr.gov.me/direkcija and on the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism website www.mrt.gov.me. as per item 8.2. of Instruction to Tenderers (ITT). Therefore, the participants are suggested to follow up these websites in order to be informed regarding the progress of the tender process.
- As referred in item 20 of the contract notice and item1.2 of Instruction to tenderers, a public tender opening session will be held on August 18th 2015, to which authorised representatives of tenderers can attend.
- The upper limit authorised for subcontracting is 30 % of the value of the tender as per item 3.6 of ITT.
- The tender and all correspondence and documents related to the tender exchanged by the tenderer and the Contracting Authority must be written in the language of the procedure, which is English. All correspondence relating to payments, including invoices and interim and final payment certificates, must also be sent to the Contracting Authority in English as per item 10.1. of ITT.
- All tender must comprise the information and duly completed documents mentioned under item 12 of ITT.
- The currency of the tender is the Euro as per item 13.1 of Instructions to Tenderers.
- The validity of tenders is 90 days from the deadline for submission of tenders as per item 14 of Instruction to Tenderers.
- The tender guarantee must be for an amount of EUR 60 000. The original guarantee must be included in the original tender as per item 15 of Instructions to Tenderers.
- Late tenders which are received after the deadline for submission will be rejected and will not be evaluated as per item 19 of ITT.
- The contract refers to FIDIC (Yellow Book) Conditions of Contract.
Representatives of 10 companies in total have received “Site Visit Certificate”, the Directorate of Public Works (Contracting Authority) and the Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro - AD Podgorica, representatives of Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism attended the event.
Publication reference: EuropeAid/136807/IH/WKS/ME
The Contract Notice and Tender Dossier were published on the web sites of the EuropeAid, Tenders Electronic Daily (TED), Delegation of European Union to Montenegro, Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and Directorate of Public Works on 02nd of June 2015.
A mandatory information meeting and a site visit was held on 18th of June 2015 in Trebešica, Kolašin.
The company representatives were briefly informed about the site visit programme and were transported to the project area at 12:30 a.m. (local time - Montenegro).
In particular the following points which require to be taken into consideration during submission of tenders have been emphasized by the representatives of the Directorate of Public Works:
- All tenderers are kindly asked to submit questions to the Directorate of Public Works in writing up to 28th of July 2015 (21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders), by specifying the publication reference and the contract title via electronic mail as stated in item 8 of Instructions to Tenderers, in order to obtain official, distinctly and precise answers to sent questions.
- The Contracting Authority will reply to all tenderers’ questions up to 07th of August 2015 (11 days before the deadline for receipt of tenders).
- Questions and answers will be published on the EuropeAid website at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome, on the Directorate of Public Works - Montenegro website www.djr.gov.me/direkcija and on the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism website www.mrt.gov.me. as per item 8.2. of Instruction to Tenderers (ITT). Therefore, the participants are suggested to follow up these websites in order to be informed regarding the progress of the tender process.
- As referred in item 20 of the contract notice and item1.2 of Instruction to tenderers, a public tender opening session will be held on August 18th 2015, to which authorised representatives of tenderers can attend.
- The upper limit authorised for subcontracting is 30 % of the value of the tender as per item 3.6 of ITT.
- The tender and all correspondence and documents related to the tender exchanged by the tenderer and the Contracting Authority must be written in the language of the procedure, which is English. All correspondence relating to payments, including invoices and interim and final payment certificates, must also be sent to the Contracting Authority in English as per item 10.1. of ITT.
- All tender must comprise the information and duly completed documents mentioned under item 12 of ITT.
- The currency of the tender is the Euro as per item 13.1 of Instructions to Tenderers.
- The validity of tenders is 90 days from the deadline for submission of tenders as per item 14 of Instruction to Tenderers.
- The tender guarantee must be for an amount of EUR 60 000. The original guarantee must be included in the original tender as per item 15 of Instructions to Tenderers.
- Late tenders which are received after the deadline for submission will be rejected and will not be evaluated as per item 19 of ITT.
- The contract refers to FIDIC (Yellow Book) Conditions of Contract.
Representatives of 10 companies in total have received “Site Visit Certificate”, the Directorate of Public Works (Contracting Authority) and the Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro - AD Podgorica, representatives of Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism attended the event.
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