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Letter of former Polish Minister of agriculture Marek Sawicki

Objavljeno: 10.12.2015. 20:32 Autor: MPRR

Dear Minister,

in connection with the conclusion of my function as Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the good cooperation and contacts we had during the time I have been in office.

I was indeed a true privilege to work with you on issues related to aspects of functioning of the agriculture sector. It was especially valuable for me to mutually explore the possibilities to facilitate cooperation for agriculture sector entities in our countries and to intensify experts exchange, including the topic of pre-accession preparations. I am convinced that theses activities will contribute in the future to the further development of the Polish - Montenegrin cooperation.

As a Member of the Polish Parliament I will continue to be engaged in agricultural matters and I hope that within my responsibilities I will have the opportunity to cooperate
with you in the future.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to wish you all the success in your professional and personal life.

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