- Vlada Crne Gore
Ministarstvo finansija Poziv zainteresovanim kandidatima za prijavljivanj...
Pažnja: Sadržaj ove stranice je dio arhivskog sadržaja i odnosi se na prethodne sazive Vlade Crne Gore. Moguće je da su informacije zastarjele ili nerelevantne.
Poziv zainteresovanim kandidatima za prijavljivanje na poziciju kratkoročnog eksperta u okviru IPA projekta “Saradnja Zavoda za zapošljavanje i centara za socijalni rad”
Objavljeno: 27.10.2016. • 15:22 Autor: mrss
IPA projekat „Saradnja Zavoda za zapošljavanje Crne Gore i centara za socijalni rad” (Europe Aid/136416/IH/SER/ME), koji se realizuje u okviru Operativnog programa RLJR 2012-2013, poziva sve zainteresovane kandidate da se prijave za poziciju kratkoročnog eksperta za podizanje svijesti u okviru projektne aktivnosti koja se odnosi na pripremu i realizaciju kampanje podizanja svijesti da bi se o novim metodama rada ZZZCG i centara za socijalni rad informisala lica sa invaliditetom i RE populacija i da bi se one distribuirale među njima.
U nastavku možete pronaći tekst oglasa, opis posla i obrazac za radnu biografiju.
The EU funded project „Cooperation between Employment Agency of Montenegro and Social Work Centres, Europe Aid/136416/IH/SER/ME invites all interested candidates to apply for the position Awareness raising expert. The project is designed to strengthen the capacities of Employment Agency of Montenegro (EAM), Social Work Centres (SWC) and other stakeholders (e.g. grant beneficiaries) in determining services and solutions to the problems of disadvantaged groups such as people with disabilities and Roma and Egyptian (RE) population.
Awareness raising expert will support and assist Team leader/Key Expert 1 in preparing and implementing an awareness raising campaign to disseminate and inform the most disadvantaged groups (persons with disabilities and RE population) on the new improved working methods of EAM and SWC. For a more detailed job description, eligibility requirements, please click (ToR) here: ToR- activity 3.3.docx
To apply for the position please send an EU format CV, please click here: CV-template.doc, indicating fields of expertise and experience to Ana Mirić, Project Office Manager, e-mail: ana.miric@cooperation-me.eu
CV’s considered relevant will be included in the existing pool of experts and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The vacancy is open until Thursday 10th November 2016, 1 pm. Selected experts will be requested to provide copies of diplomas and relevant work certificates, as well as Statement of Availability.
Experts must be independent and free from conflicts of interest within the activities to be performed, as elaborated in ToR. Civil servants/public officials and other staff of the public administration of the Beneficiary country cannot be recruited as experts. Applicants not responding to above requirements/criteria or not following the application process will not be taken into consideration.
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