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Najava: Predavanje profesora dr Veljka Milutinovića 4. decembra u Rektoratu UCG

Objavljeno: 27.11.2017. 20:02 Autor: Ministarstvo nauke
Profesor dr Veljko Milutinović održaće predavanje 4. decembra u 11 časova, u Plavoj Sali zgrade Rektorata Univerziteta Crne Gore, na temu „A new course on life life time management and scientific soft skills“.

Kurs opisuje složenu metodologiju upravljanja projektima koja gleda na istraživanje i razvoj (I+R) kao na element lanca koji povezuje teoriju i praksu, kao i ekonomska i društvena pitanja, tokom cjelokupnog životnog ciklusa pojedinca. Predstavlja se i teorija kreativnosti koja se primjenjuje na širok spektar oblasti u nauci i inženjerstvu. Kurs je organizovan u 7 dvonedjeljnih segmenata.

Profesor dr Veljko Milutinović je doktorirao na Univerzitetu u Beogradu i proveo desetak godina na različitim pozicijama na fakultetima u Sjedinjenim Državama. Jedan je od dizajnera prvog DARPA GaAs RISC mikroprocesora. Od 1990. godine predaje i sprovodi istraživanja na Univerzitetu u Beogradu u oblastimaECE, MATH, MBA i PHYS / CHEM. Sada je i u Naučnom savjetodavnom odboru Makseler tehnologija u Londonu i nadgleda poslovanje Makselera u Beogradu, kao predsjedavajući Upravnog odbora Makselera u Srbiji. Njegovo istraživanje uglavnom je usmjereno na algoritme za rudarenje i proračunavanje protokapodataka, s naglaskom na mapiranje algoritama za analizu podataka na brze i energetski efikasne sisteme.

Takođe drži kurs intelektualnih vještina. Za sedam njegovih knjiga, predgovore su napisala sedmorica različitih laureata za Nobelovu nagradu s kojima je sarađivao na prethodnim projektima koje je sponzorisala industrija. Ima preko 40 radova u IEEE ili ACM časopisima, preko 400 citata u bazi Thompson-Reuters i oko 4000 citata u bazi Google-Scholar.

Opis kursa:

This course is applicable to both sciences (mathematical, natural, social, and humanities) and engineering (computer, electrical, interdisciplinary, and architecture). It describes a complex project management methodology that views research and development (R+D) as an element of a chain that connects theory and practice, as well as economic and social issues, over a life-time span of an individual. This course also presents a creativity theory that is applicable over a wide plethora of fields in sciences and engineering. The course is organized in 7 two-week parts, as follows:

The first part is on knowledge-based prerequisites (how to's related to NSF or H2020, and also the basic messages of one specific MBA program, a leader in the USA).

The second part is on strategic and tactical management methodologis and tools (namely, it covers CMMI for strategic planing and agile methods for daily/weekly planning).

The third part is on scientific dissemination (it covers the writing of papers for SCI jurnals, both survery and research ones). It teaches a specific methodology to promote R+D via papers in the SCI list.

The fourth part is on getting incorporated and the related issues (based on two methodologies used in the USA, namely SBA and PTO). Both venture capital and business angels are covered.

The fifth part is on commercialization (how to's related to creation of commercial ePortals and the essence of the MindGenomics approach to marketing on the Internet).

The sixth part is on data and knowledge mining (for business and life situations). This part covers 10 different datamining algorithms most widely used for knowledge mining in science and engineering.

At the end, in part seven, 10 different methods are presented that enhance creativity and inventivity in science and engineering, with examples covering a wide plethora of disciplines.

Finally, in the last week of the semester, all the above is described in the context of the student homework assignments, fully completed before the last week of the course. Parts of this course were presented at a number of EU and US universities, including Harvard, MIT, Purdue, and U. of Indiana, suported by cloud services of Amazon (AWS, IaaS), Microfsoft (Azure, SaaS), Google (GoogleCloud, DBaaS), and Maxeler (MaxCloud, DFaaS). At the end, some effects in the econo-political domain are discussed, in the context of the Vienna Congress COMSULT-2016.

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