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Razjašnjenje - "Tehnička podrška za pripemu investicionih projekata u sektoru saobraćaja u Crnoj Gori"
Objavljeno: 05.08.2019. • 20:21 Autor: Uprava javnih radova
Ugovor o uslugama za “Tehnička podrška za pripemu investicionih projekata u sektoru saobraćaja u Crnoj Gori”, u okviru IPA 2017 Godišnjeg programa za Crnu Goru iz Instrumenta za pretpristupnu pomoć (IPA) u Crnoj Gori.
Ovdje možete preuzeti razjašnjenjena obavještenje o javnim nabavkama:
Clarifications 4.DOC
kao i na web stranici EuropeAid-a:
Service contract for “Tehnical assistance for Project preparation of investment projects in the transport sector in Montenegro” in the framework of IPA 2017 Annual programme for Montenegro under Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) in Montenegro.
Here you can obtain the clarifications to contract notice:
Clarifications 4.DOC
as well as on the EuropeAid website:
Ovdje možete preuzeti razjašnjenjena obavještenje o javnim nabavkama:
Clarifications 4.DOC
kao i na web stranici EuropeAid-a:
* * * * *
Service contract for “Tehnical assistance for Project preparation of investment projects in the transport sector in Montenegro” in the framework of IPA 2017 Annual programme for Montenegro under Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) in Montenegro.
Here you can obtain the clarifications to contract notice:
Clarifications 4.DOC
as well as on the EuropeAid website:
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