- Vlada Crne Gore
Ministarstvo prostornog planiranja, urbanizma i državne imovine Javni poziv za iskazivanje interesovanja za određi...
Javni poziv za iskazivanje interesovanja za određivanje rukovodioca izrade Prostornog plana Crne Gore
U cilju obezbjeđenja što kvalitetnijeg procesa planiranja, transparentnosti procedura, podsticanja zainteresovanih lica da učestvuju u poslovima planiranja prostora, ostvarivanja načela javnosti, kao i afirmacije konkurentnosti, Ministarstvo održivog razvoja i turizma objavljuje
1. Izradom Prostornog plana Crne Gore rukovodi rukovodilac izrade koga određuje Vlada Crne Gore, na predlog ministra nadležnog za poslove planiranja.
2. Za rukovodioca izrade Prostornog plana Crne Gore može se odrediti diplomirani prostorni planer koji posjeduje najmanje kvalifikaciju VII 1 podnivoa okvira kvalifikacija sa najmanje 15 godina radnog iskustva na poslovima prostornog planiranja.
3. Pored dokaza iz tačke 2 ovog poziva zainteresovano lice dostavlja i sastav stručnog tima, koji određuje uz saglasnost Ministarstva. U stručni tim može da se odredi lice koje posjeduje najmanje kvalifikaciju VII 1 podnivoa okvira kvalifikacija sa najmanje pet godina radnog iskustva na poslovima prostornog planiranja.
U sastav stručnog tima obavezno se određuje najmanje jedan predstavnik jedinice lokalne samouprave, koga imenuje izvršni organ, a što će se, obezbijediti naknadno.
4. Dokaze o ispunjenosti uslova iz tač. 2 i 3 ovog poziva, biografije, sa metodologijom i rokom izrade plana, zainteresovano lice treba da dostavi na e-mail adresu: marina.izgarevic@mrt.gov.me, u roku od 15 dana od dana objavljivanja ovog poziva.
5. Pozvaju se sva zainteresovana lica koja ispunjavaju uslove propisane Zakonom o planiranju prostora i izgradnji objekata da dostave ponude.
6. Sa zainteresovanim licima koja ispunjavaju zakonske uslove biće obavljen intervju, nakon čega će se odlučiti o predlogu kandidata za rukovodioca izrade Prostornog plana Crne Gore.
7. Naknada za rad rukovodioca izrade Prostornog plana Crne Gore i stručnog tima određuje se aktom Vlade Crne Gore
Prilog: - Programski zadatak za izradu Prostornog plana Crne Gore do 2040. godine
Intending to ensure the best possible quality of the planning process, the transparency of procedures, the encouragement to interested persons to participate in spatial planning activities, the realization of public principles, as well as, the affirmation of competitiveness, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism publishes the following
1. The development of the Spatial Plan of Montenegro shall be managed by the development manager designated by the Government of Montenegro, at the proposal of the Minister in charge of planning affairs.
2. A graduate spatial planner with the minimum qualification of the VII 1 qualifications framework sub-level with at least fifteen years of work experience in spatial planning work may be designated development manager of the Spatial Plan of Montenegro.
3. In addition to the evidence referred to in point 2 of this Call, the interested person shall submit the list of members of the expert team, which shall be composed with the consent of the Ministry. The expert team member shall be a person with the minimum qualification of the VII 1 qualifications framework sub-level with at least five years of work experience in spatial planning work
4. At least one representative of the local self-government unit, appointed by the executive body of the local self-government unit, shall be designated member of the expert team, which shall take place subsequently.
5. Interested persons are expected to submit the evidence of the fulfillment of the conditions referred to in points 2 and 3 of this Call, CVs, together with the methodology and deadline for the development of the Plan, to the following e-mail address: marina.izgarevic@mrt.gov.me, within 15 days from the date of publication of this Call.
6. All interested persons who meet the requirements laid down in the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction of Structures are invited to submit their bids.
7. The interested persons who meet the legal requirements shall be interviewed, after which the decision regarding the proposed candidate for the Spatial Plan of Montenegro development manager shall be made.
8. The remuneration for the work of the Spatial Plan of Montenegro development manager and the expert team members shall be determined by a Decision of the Government of Montenegro.
Attachment: - Terms of Reference for the development of Spatial Plan of Montenegro until 2040