- Vlada Crne Gore
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Three members of Parliament have been arrested for...
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Three members of Parliament have been arrested for incident in the Parliament of Montenegro
Objavljeno: 27.12.2019. • 19:29 Autor: UP
During the night, Police acted according to the law and used coercive measures according to the legal powers.
After the incident in the Parliament of Montenegro, upon request of the Chair of the Parliament for police intervention due to escalation of events in plenary room, 22 persons were detained to the official premises of the Regional police unit Podgorica, of whom 17 members of Democratic Front.
Police made investigation in the premises of the Parliament and exempted traces from the scene and noted the damages on the inventory.
Basic State Prosecutor in Basic State Prosecution Office in Podgorica was informed on the incident, who, after assessing the evidence, ordered depriving of liberty for Milutin Zogović for the doubt that he committed criminal offence - attack on a person in official capacity during performance of an official duty, as well as for Andrija Mandić and Milan Knežević for the doubt that they committed criminal offence - prevention of a person in official capacity from performing an official act.
These persons will be brought to the competent prosecutor with criminal charges.
Misdemeanor proceedings will be initiated against other detained persons for committed misdemeanors, referred to in the Law on public peace and order.
In the coming days, Police will monitor current events and will act efficiently in accordance to legal powers, in the interest of security of all citizens.
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