- Vlada Crne Gore
Uprava za kapitalne projekte Najava o poništenju tenderske procedure za usluge/...
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Najava o poništenju tenderske procedure za usluge/ Cancelation notice
Objavljeno: 05.08.2020. • 20:12 Autor: Uprava javnih radova
Tenderska procedura o uslugama za “ Tehnička podrška za monitoring i implementaciju politika za zaštitu životne sredine i klimatskih akcija”, u okviru IPA 2016 Godišnjeg programa za Crnu Goru iz Instrumenta za pretpristupnu pomoć (IPA) u Crnoj Gori, je poništena.
Ovdje možete pogledati poništenje tendera, kao i na web stranici EuropeAid-a:
Tender procedure for Service contract for “Technical Assistance for Monitoring and Implementation of Environmental and Climate Action Policies, Montenegro” in the framework of IPA 2016 Annual programme for Montenegro under Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) in Montenegro is cancelled.
Announcement of Cancelation Notice can be found on this website, as well as on the EuropeAid website below:
Ovdje možete pogledati poništenje tendera, kao i na web stranici EuropeAid-a:
Datum: 05.08.2020. godine
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Tender procedure for Service contract for “Technical Assistance for Monitoring and Implementation of Environmental and Climate Action Policies, Montenegro” in the framework of IPA 2016 Annual programme for Montenegro under Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) in Montenegro is cancelled.
Announcement of Cancelation Notice can be found on this website, as well as on the EuropeAid website below:
Date: 05.08.2020
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