- Vlada Crne Gore
Ministarstvo finansija Završna izjava predsjedavajućeg Borda guvernera EB...
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Završna izjava predsjedavajućeg Borda guvernera EBRD ministra finansija dr Igora Lukšića
Objavljeno: 19.05.2008. • 23:05 Autor: Naslovna strana

I thank the President for his remarks.
The seventeenth Annual Meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has been another milestone for our institution.
We, the Board of Governors, overwhelmingly approved the Allocation for Net Income to boost the Bank's ability to further the transition process in countries most in need of the Bank'shelp and the allocation of significant funds to Chernobyl. This was a first in the history of the Bank. I welcome the very strong support for this, even if it is not unanimous...

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