Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.


Published on: Nov 12, 2010 4:52 PM Author: Ministarstvo rada i socijalnog staranja


In regard to the day of the Institute, Minister of work and social welfare Dr. Suad Numanovic visited the Institute.
On this occasion Minister Numanovic cordially opened the reconstructed pavilion "A", within the Institute.
Public institution-Institute "Komanski Most" began with its work in 1976, as an institution for children and youth with moderate, difficult and severe disabilities in intellectual development.
Gradually, number of children accommodated in the Institute decreased, resulting in transformation of the Institute into a care giving institution for adults with serious restrictions in social functioning due to mental difficulties or other combined interferences in development.
According to the Decision on establishment of public institution for accommodation of persons with special needs from February the 2nd 2006, Public institution-Institute "Komanski Most" was organized as public institution for accommodation of persons with mental disabilities (moderate, difficult and severe disabilities).
Every year November 12 is celebrated as the Day of the Institute, and represents the beginning of work of the Institute.
In order to accommodate male adults beneficiaries (64) according to the degree of their remaining ability and their age, pavilion "A "underwent reconstruction. Reconstruction lasted from August the 3rd till October 18 2010 and for that purposes 250.000.euros was spent. Content of the pavilion is completely adjusted to the needs of the beneficiaries. These conditions will mainly improve the quality of life of our beneficiaries.
Government of Montenegro in its Budget proposal for next year planned assets in the amount of 330.000,00 Euros for the reconstruction of the pavilion "B" and kitchen within this Institute. This would mean the finalization of the project referring to the improvement of the accommodation capacities of the Institute for the beneficiaries.

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