- Government of Montenegro
Foreign Minister, EC official: Implementation of E...
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Foreign Minister, EC official: Implementation of EU priorities key for accession talks
Published on: Feb 8, 2011 • 6:46 PM Author: PR Bureau
It is necessary for all stakeholders in Montenegrin society to join efforts and work hard to produce visible results and achieve the goal of EU accession talks, concluded in separate presentations Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Milan Roćen and head of unit for Montenegro and Albania at European Commission (EC) DG Enlargement Marta Garcia Fidalgo, who opened the joint consultation meeting between state institutions of Montenegro and the EC delegation scheduled to discuss the Draft Action Plan for Monitoring Implementation of Recommendations given in the European Commission’s Opinion.
Minister Roćen reiterated that the Government has coordinated the activities from the Action Plan, whose final version will be adopted next week. He also reminded the audience that the Draft Plan was adopted in mid-December, right after the European Council granted Montenegro candidate status. He also underlined that the Government did not wait for the document to be finalised, but introduced efforts to meet the 7 key EC priorities early on. He added that the Draft Action Plan was followed by a public debate centred around four topics (rule of law, fight against organised crime and corruption, media and civil society, human and minority rights and rights of refugees and displaced persons). As he said, the debate resulted in immense contribution from the civil society, including plethora of suggestions from various stakeholders which were included in the final version coordinated by his Ministry.
Minsiter Roćen said that such an approach epitomises the capability and political will of Montenegrin society to seriously undertake the task on meeting the priorities for accession talks. He invited all relevant stakeholders to work harder, underlining that “the road Montenegro is taking is hard, but the goal is within reach if we mobilise all the forces of the society.” He in particular stressed the need to include the partners from Brussels and from the region, with whom we share the goal of EU membership.
Madame Fidalgo supported Minister Roćen's views in stressing that the accession process includes “the contribution of the nation as a whole – the Government, the citizens, the civil society, the opposition – everyone gives contribution in order for the process to be successful.” She added that Montenegro is at a starting point and that it needs to continue to prove it is a good partner who can fulfil the commitments by providing concrete results and implementing the solutions in real life.

Minsiter Roćen said that such an approach epitomises the capability and political will of Montenegrin society to seriously undertake the task on meeting the priorities for accession talks. He invited all relevant stakeholders to work harder, underlining that “the road Montenegro is taking is hard, but the goal is within reach if we mobilise all the forces of the society.” He in particular stressed the need to include the partners from Brussels and from the region, with whom we share the goal of EU membership.

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