Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Department for Internal Market and Competition

Published on: Dec 1, 2009 8:42 PM Author: Ministry

Department for Internal Market and Competition performs tasks which are related to: organization, coordination, preparation of drafts and proposals of laws and other regulations which are being adopted on the basis of laws related to the internal trade, competition, consumer protection, quality infrastructure, industrial property; participates in preparing and providing opinions to the drafts and proposals of laws and other regulations which are prepared by other bodies; gives expert instruction, opinions and interpretations; proposes development of internal trade; monitors system developments and trends in trade, monitors dynamics of domestic and international supply and demand; development of commodity balance, long term and short term consideration of commodity flows and market supply, monitors price movements in individual industries; preparation, updating and realization of emergency procurement plan; monitors and proposes measures for protection of consumers from competition policy; infrastructure quality, industrial property, keeping the second-instance administrative procedure in competence of the sector, harmonization of national legislation with the EU legislation in the area of the sector, international and regional cooperation in the field of internal market and competition, keeping required records and supervision over the institutions in its sectors where the administrative control is conducted by the Ministry and cooperation with other bodies in order to fully achieve the established policy, preparation of tender documents for procurements under the sector’s competence and other tasks in accordance with regulations

Department for Internal Trade and Industrial Property performs tasks which are related to: organization, coordination and preparation of drafts and proposals of laws and other regulation related to the internal trade and industrial property; monitors global conjuncture markets in order to propose and initiate measures of economic policy in trade, monitors and proposes development of trade and proposes measures for its improvement, harmonization of national legislation with EU legislation from its sector, long term and short-term consideration of commodity flows and market supply, analyzes development of emergency procurement system, implementation of approved emergency procurement in case of disturbances at market, monitors the state of protection of industrial property and proposes measures to increase the level of industrial property protection, cooperation with national institutions for the protection of intellectual property; harmonization of national legislation with EU legislation in the field of domestic trade and industrial property.

Department of Consumer Protection performs tasks which are related to: drafting and implementation of consumer policy, development of national programs for protection of consumers and their implementation, development and proposals of laws and other regulations in the field of consumer protection, cooperation with organizations for consumer protection, national harmonization of legislation with EU legislation on consumer protection, keeping the register of the consumer organizations.

Department for Competition performs tasks which are related to: proposing of policy for protection and development of competition; making drafts and proposing of laws and other regulation; as well harmonization of national legislation with EU legislation in the field of competition.

Department of Infrastructure for Quality performs tasks which are related to: development and implementation of policy and development of strategy for infrastructure for quality; monitors and participates in drafting regulations which regulate the area of technical legislation, standardization system, system of metrology, accreditation and compliance system, establishment and maintenance of a register of technical regulations and the register of authorized bodies for conformity assessment, notifications under the Agreement of WTO / TBT (contact point for the WTO / TBT), harmonization of national legislation with EU legislation in the field of quality infrastructure, provision of logistical support for development of quality infrastructure, organization of conferences, forums, lectures from the scope of the Department, provides information to interested legal entities on issues related to the Department, performs professional and administrative tasks for the Program Committee of the Government of Montenegro for the quality, keeps records necessary for monitoring the situation and initiates activities within the scope of the Department; cooperation with the other ministries and administrative authorities..

Market Inspection Department performs tasks which are related to: inspection supervision over the implementation of laws and other regulations in the field of internal trade and markets, performs control and supervision of businesses that are engaged in the internal trade and market activities, conducts proceedings and decision in the first instance administrative procedure; executes decisions; submits charges for criminal actions, economic crimes and misdemeanors; gives initiative to amend laws, other regulations and general acts; proposes measures to improve the situation in certain areas of supervision, preparation of analysis, reports and information; cooperates with other administrative authorities, institutions and business undertakings; international and regional cooperation in the field of inspection in internal trade and markets and takes appropriate measures and actions.

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