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Sector for Energy Efficiency

Published on: Dec 1, 2009 8:50 PM Author: Ministarstvo

Sector for Energy Efficiency performs tasks which are related to: the development of strategies, programs, plans and projects in the energy field and monitoring of their implementation; making the texts of drafts and proposals on laws and other regulations in the field of energy efficiency, participation in preparation of and giving opinions on drafts and proposal of laws and other regulations which are prepared by other bodies; preparation of secondary legislation related to the energy efficiency; implementation of measures and activities for increase of energy efficiency at the state level and coordination and monitoring of measures that are being implemented at the local level, proposing of projects and implementation of procedures for tenders and conduct of financial evaluation of projects which is to be financed by the Energy Efficiency Fund; participate in the preparation and implementation of procedures on energy efficiency, public procurements; keeps national statistical and information systems for energy efficiency; preparation of analysis, reports, information and other materials in the field of energy efficiency, promotional and educational activities related to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, cooperation with government bodies and local self-government and ensuring the inclusion of energy efficiency requirements into other sector ’s policies, harmonization of national legislation with EU legislation in the field of energy efficiency, cooperation with international institutions and programs related to the energy efficiency and performs other tasks related to the energy efficiency that are within its jurisdiction.

Department for Reforms, Analysis and Planning performs tasks which are related to: analysis and proposal of legislative, regulatory and institutional reforms, energy tariffs, taxing, substitution of fuels, as well as of other measures for promoting energy efficiency; identification, analysis and proposal of technical opportunities and cost-effective policies and measures for improvement of energy efficiency; making National documents for development of energy efficiency (strategies, programs, action plans etc.); expert assistance to local self-government units for making Programs on improvement of energy efficiency and their harmonization with the National Action Plan; performs financial evaluation and proposes projects which will be financed by the Energy Efficiency Fund, monitoring harmonization with the legislation of the European Union, proposes allocation of donor funds; analyzes barriers and proposes courses of action, preparation of specifications, methodologies, etc..

Department for Implementation of Energy Efficiency Action Plan performs tasks which are related to: the implementation of projects and measures determined by the Energy Efficiency Strategy and Action Plan on the energy efficiency, especially in the public sector; cooperation and coordination with state` bodies, local self-government bodies and end users from all final consumption sectors (industry, transport, public and commercial services, agriculture and households) regarding the implementation of energy efficiency measures; participation in the preparation and implementation of procedures on the energy efficient public procurement, cooperates in implementation of joint energy efficiency projects with international organizations that work in energy efficiency, especially with organizations of the European Union, professional networks within the European Union, as well as with similar agencies in other countries.

Department for Monitoring, Statistical and Information System performs tasks which are related to: monitoring implementation of the Action Plan: reporting on implementation of projects and measures of energy efficiency, development and maintenance of the national information system for monitoring energy efficiency which includes a database on the energy efficiency for public sector, as well for entities from other final consumption sectors, expert assistance for establishment of information system for monitoring energy consumption in all public sector facilities, as well as in large consumers facilities; data collection on all forms of energy consumption and factors affecting spending by all parties that are obliged to submit data, collects data and documents from energy undertakings which are required for monitoring the energy efficiency and full functionality of the national information system for energy efficiency; conducts register of persons authorized to implement energy audits and certification of buildings.

Department for International Cooperation, Promotion and Public Relation performs tasks which are related to: cooperation in initiating and implementing joint energy efficiency projects with international organization dealing with energy efficiency, especially with relevant organizations of the European Union, the initiative for the provision of international grants and donations; public research, social monitoring and marketing, promoting energy efficiency in public (preparation and organization of seminars, public informational and educational campaigns, publishing brochures and other promotional materials), organizing training programs for energy efficiency by professional groups in cooperation with schools and universities, consulting citizens to improve energy efficiency in households, keeps and maintains Web site for energy efficiency, informing publicity and establishing a reporting system.

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