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Sector for mining and geological research

Published on: Dec 1, 2009 4:30 PM Author: Ministarstvo

Sector for mining and geological research performs tasks which are related to: development of strategies, programs and projects in the field of mining and geological research and monitoring of their implementation; development of draft articles and proposals on laws and other regulations in the field of mining and geological research; participation in preparation and giving opinions on drafts and proposals of laws and other regulations which are prepared by other bodies; giving expert instructions, opinions and interpretations, making decisions in administrative matters and matters of administrative supervision, issuing licenses for development of projects and the carrying out geological researches and studies on completed geological explorations; the conduct a second instance administrative procedures, supervision over the implementation of laws and regulations in the mining and geological exploration; exercise control and supervision of businesses that are engaged in mining and geological research and taking appropriate measures and actions, studies natural resources and proposes measures to ensure optimum conditions for their exploration and exploitation, establishing programs on geological researches that are of importance for Montenegro, monitoring, analyzing and assessing the situation in the mining and geological research, monitoring and study of economic conditions and economic position of economic entities in the mining and geological exploration; making information, reports, etc..; harmonization of national legislation with EU legislation in the field of mining and geological research; international and regional cooperation in the field of mining and geological research; supervision over the institutions of its department where the administrative control is conducted by the Ministry and which are entrusted with public authorities; cooperation with NGO `s, enforcement of laws and regulations, inspection and supervision in the field of mining and geological research, preparation of tender documents for procurement activities within the jurisdiction of the sector and other activities in accordance with the regulations.

Department for mining performs tasks which are related to: development of strategies, programs and projects from the field of mining and monitoring their implementation; organization, coordination, preparation of drafts articles and proposals of laws, such as regulations which are adopted by the virtue of laws in the areas of mining; harmonization of national legislation with the legislation of EU in the field of mining; providing expert instructions, opinions and interpretations; participation in preparation and giving opinions on drafts and proposals of laws and others regulations which are prepared by other bodies, preparation of draft State Plan for exploitation of mineral raw materials, preparation of proposals on plans for awarding concessions, preparation of reports regarding implementation of concession contracts and the State Plan, prescribes requirements for licensing, proposes fees for issuing and verification of licenses, issues licenses in accordance with the law, manner of keeping and keeps records on issued licenses, issues licenses for exploitation of mineral resources, organizes audit and issues licenses for construction works for projects, organizes technical reviews for mining buildings and facilities and approves the use of these facilities; determines whether the conditions for development of mining projects, performs exploitation of mineral raw materials and technical reviews on mining projects; prescribes conditions and manner of professional exams for the mining industry, provides a way of keeping the measuring books, keeping books on the reserves of mineral resources, keeping cadastre exploitation fields, gives approvals for the project documentation related to the execution of works using explosives and explosive devices, for which a permit for construction is issued by the ministry responsible for construction of facilities; calculates funds for rehabilitation and re-cultivation of space that is running mining works and approves and monitors the use of such funds; resolves complaints in the second instance administrative procedures, monitors situation, economic conditions of mining companies, download and storage of technical documentation of mines which have ceased to work; implementation of procedures for granting concessions for exploitation of mineral resources and prepares reports with proposed decisions and agreements on the award of concessions for exploitation of mineral raw materials, preparation of agreements on concession, calculation of concession compensations; performs specialized tasks related to the work of bodies responsible for implementation of procedures on the approval of concessions, and performs other duties in accordance with the regulations.

Department for geological research performs tasks which are related to: organization, coordination, preparation of draft articles and proposals on laws, such as regulations which are being passed by the virtue of laws in the field of geological research and monitoring of their implementation, download and storage of documentations which are related to the geological research; implementation of procedures for issuance and cancellation of licenses for geological exploration of mineral resources and land for construction, issuing licenses for project preparation and carrying out geological explorations and studies on the completed geological explorations; registration of required research areas and land approved research areas, the documentation required to determine the subject matter of concession, the documentation for proposals and decisions on granting concessions for geological research, preparation of agreements on concession; perform the calculation of concession fees, monitoring the implementation of concession agreements, preparation of annual reports in connection with the concession agreement, and performs other activities in accordance with regulations.

Department for petroleum and gas performs tasks which are related to: coordination, preparation of drafts articles and proposal on laws, such as regulations which are passed by the virtue of laws in the field of geological research and exploration of petroleum and gas; harmonization of national legislation with EU legislation in the field of geological research and exploration of petroleum and gas; participation in preparation and giving opinion on drafts and proposals of laws and other regulations which are prepared by other bodies; monitors situation, economic conditions of companies in the field of geological exploration and exploitation of oil and gas, preparing proposals on division of the territory of Montenegro on blocks intended for exploration and production of oil and gas, conducts procedures for granting rights to explore and produce oil and gas, preparation of concession agreements on exploration and production of oil and gas, approves work programs, keeps track of agreements, collection, storage, disposal and management of all information and documentation related to exploration and production of oil and gas, preparation of annual reports regarding assigned concessions, carry out calculations of concession fees for research and for the produced oil and gas, controls the books of the operators that are engaged in research and production of oil and gas; determines fulfillment of requirements of the works under the project research, development program and the program of oil and gas, as well as the program on un-installation of facilities for oil and gas; determines fulfillment of conditions for the use of installations for research and production of oil and gas, and performing other duties in accordance with regulations.

Department for mining and geological inspection performs tasks which are related to: inspection supervision over implementation of laws, by-laws and technical regulations in the field of mining and geological exploration, exercises control and supervision of businesses that are engaged in the mining and geological research activities, provides initiatives for amendments to laws, other regulations and general acts, proposes measures to improve the situation in certain areas of supervision, conducts proceedings and decisions in the first instance administrative proceedings, execution of decisions, submission of the criminal charges, economic crimes and misdemeanors and preparation of analysis, reports and information; cooperation with other administrative bodies, institutions and economic entities, international and regional cooperation in the field of inspection supervision in area of mining and geology.

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