- Government of Montenegro
Government of Montenegro launches e-petitions plat...
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Government of Montenegro launches e-petitions platform aimed at involving citizens in decision-making
Published on: Oct 9, 2012 • 11:54 PM Author: Bureau
Podgorica, Montenegro (9 October 2012) – The Government of Montenegro launched an e-petitions platform earlier today which will enable citizens to submit e-petitions to the Government. The project, initiated by Prime Minister Igor Lukšić, and implemented with the support of UNDP Montenegro, marks a significant step towards promoting participatory democracy and the Government’s openness to active public participation in the policy-making process.
Prime Minister Igor Lukšić and Resident Representative Rastislav Vrbensky gave opening speeches at the press conference earlier today, followed by the presentation of the “Citizens’ Voice – e-Petitions” website.
The launch of the platform will improve the communication between the Government and citizens, involve more society stakeholders, and promote the principles of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), Prime Minister Igor Luksić said.
"This will bring us closer to a narrow circle of the most developed democracies of the world which make all the important and demanding economic and social decisions with the support and consultations with citizens and the civil society," PM Lukšić underlined.
This way of participatory democracy can change the way of living in Montenegro, UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative to Montenegro Rastislav Vrbensky stressed.
"Citizens can take the wheel, propose and demand that their Government take actions. The citizens will have the power to resolve some pressing issues of the society," he said.
Mr Vrbensky pointed out that the success of the platform will depend on the way the Government responds to the citizens’ petitions, but also on the quality of the citizens’ proposals and demands.
"The level of the Government’s commitment to the petitions and the degree of their adoption will determine whether this platform will become a life space for the cooperation of the citizens and those who govern, and whether it will lead to better public policies and services," he concluded.
About “Citizens Voice – e-Petitions”
“Citizens Voice” is a website that will enable the public to influence public policy-making process by submitting e-Petitions to the Government of Montenegro.
Every adult citizen of Montenegro or a foreigner with permanent residence will be allowed to submit an e-petition in any field within the Government’s remit.
If supported by at least 6.000 signatures, the relevant ministry will be required to turn such a petition into a formal motion which will to be considered by the Government, and, if necessary, submitted to the Parliament.
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