- Government of Montenegro
Montenegro goes up by 5 places in 2013 World Bank ...
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Montenegro goes up by 5 places in 2013 World Bank Doing Business report
Published on: Oct 23, 2012 • 6:06 PM Author: PR Bureau
Podgorica, Montenegro (23 October 2012) – Montenegro moves up by 5 places to 51st overall in the Doing Business 2013 world ranking list including 185 countries, the World Bank announces in its annual report on Monday.
For the period July 2011 – June 2012, 108 economies, out of the total 185 economies assessed, implemented 201 reforms mostly related to starting a business, paying taxes, and trading across borders.
Ease of doing business is based on indicators that measure and benchmark regulations affecting 10 areas.
In the area of starting a business, Montenegro is ranked 58th, issuing construction permits 176th, and property registration 117th. Montenegro takes the 32nd position in protecting investors, 42nd in trading across borders and 135th position in the area of enforcing contracts.
In the remaining four categories, Montenegro improved its ranking compared to 2011: in the fields of paying taxation (+27), closing a business (+8), getting credits (+4) and getting electricity (+2), the Doing Business report 2013 reads.
Montenegro owes its progress of 27 places in the field of paying taxes to pursuing reforms referring to the unification of registration and collection of taxes and contributions, as well as to appreciable reduction in the numbers of payments and duration of paying taxes procedures. The progress of 8 places in closing a business resulted from a considerable reduction in closing businesses duration from 2 to 1.4 years.
In the region, only Macedonia (23) and Slovenia (35) rank higher than Montenegro, while Albania (85), Croatia (84), Serbia (86), Bosnia and Herzegovina (126) and Kosovo (98) rank lower, the report concludes.
Montenegro’s progress depicted in the Doing Business reports, which has been continually achieved over the past four years (Montenegro was ranked 90th in 2009), confirms the Montenegrin Government’s commitment to pursuing reform policies which are the prerequisite for strengthening competitiveness and credibility of the country’s economy.
For the period July 2011 – June 2012, 108 economies, out of the total 185 economies assessed, implemented 201 reforms mostly related to starting a business, paying taxes, and trading across borders.
Ease of doing business is based on indicators that measure and benchmark regulations affecting 10 areas.
In the area of starting a business, Montenegro is ranked 58th, issuing construction permits 176th, and property registration 117th. Montenegro takes the 32nd position in protecting investors, 42nd in trading across borders and 135th position in the area of enforcing contracts.
In the remaining four categories, Montenegro improved its ranking compared to 2011: in the fields of paying taxation (+27), closing a business (+8), getting credits (+4) and getting electricity (+2), the Doing Business report 2013 reads.
Montenegro owes its progress of 27 places in the field of paying taxes to pursuing reforms referring to the unification of registration and collection of taxes and contributions, as well as to appreciable reduction in the numbers of payments and duration of paying taxes procedures. The progress of 8 places in closing a business resulted from a considerable reduction in closing businesses duration from 2 to 1.4 years.
In the region, only Macedonia (23) and Slovenia (35) rank higher than Montenegro, while Albania (85), Croatia (84), Serbia (86), Bosnia and Herzegovina (126) and Kosovo (98) rank lower, the report concludes.
Montenegro’s progress depicted in the Doing Business reports, which has been continually achieved over the past four years (Montenegro was ranked 90th in 2009), confirms the Montenegrin Government’s commitment to pursuing reform policies which are the prerequisite for strengthening competitiveness and credibility of the country’s economy.
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