Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Montenegro objects to geographical maps published by Croatia

Published on: Apr 4, 2014 12:20 AM Author: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro issued an official complaint today regarding the recently published Croatian maps presented in Zagreb together with concession documents for a public tender for exploration and use of hydrocarbons in the Adriatic, which have been offered to prospective concessionaires.

Montenegro pointed to the relevant articles of the 2002 Protocol on the Interim Regime, which requires the two neighbouring states to refrain from unilateral acts which would aim to predetermine the settlement of the border at sea and land, and reminded the Croatian side that this Protocol, established with high mediation and guarantees of the United Nations, remains in force until a definite settlement of the issue of state border between Montenegro and the Republic of Croatia is reached.

The unilateral acts of Croatia’s publishing of public tenders in the south area of the Adriatic, as well as other unilateral acts in the area of overlapping territorial claims of Montenegro and the Republic of Croatia, either on land or in the relevant sea zone, run contrary to both the Protocol and the Montenegrin side’s initiatives for both sides to ensure mutual consent prior to undertaking any activities in the disputed area.

Montenegro remains willing and committed, as it has been previously, to continue, in the spirit of good neighbourliness and mutual respect, the negotiations with the Republic of Croatia with the view to discussing all options and finding mutually acceptable solutions.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro

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