- Government of Montenegro
Advisor to Prime Minister Jovan Kojičić meets with...
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Advisor to Prime Minister Jovan Kojičić meets with European Commission's human rights experts
Published on: Apr 10, 2014 • 8:00 PM Author: PR Bureau
Podgorica, Montenegro (10 April 2014) -- Advisor to Montenegro’s Prime Minister and Secretary of the Anti-Discrimination Council Jovan Kojičić met earlier today with the European Commission‘s human rights experts Klavs Duus Kinnerup Hede and Susette Pia Shuster.
The separate meetings addressed activities and work of Montenegro’s Anti-Discrimination Council. Special emphasis was placed on anti-discrimination and protection mechanisms, improving position of the Roma population and other vulnerable groups in the society through pursuing the government's policies, domestic violence and protection mechanisms in that regard, as well as institutional capacities at all levels in the field of anti-discriminatory practice.
The meetings also discussed Montenegro’s progress in the area of protection against discrimination in the previous period and the ways of further development of practice in relation to specific measures, which application may contribute to the achievement of measurable results in Montenegro’s accession processes.
The separate meetings addressed activities and work of Montenegro’s Anti-Discrimination Council. Special emphasis was placed on anti-discrimination and protection mechanisms, improving position of the Roma population and other vulnerable groups in the society through pursuing the government's policies, domestic violence and protection mechanisms in that regard, as well as institutional capacities at all levels in the field of anti-discriminatory practice.
The meetings also discussed Montenegro’s progress in the area of protection against discrimination in the previous period and the ways of further development of practice in relation to specific measures, which application may contribute to the achievement of measurable results in Montenegro’s accession processes.
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