- Government of Montenegro
DPM Lazović, Chinese Ambassador Zhaolin: Bar–Bolja...
DPM Lazović, Chinese Ambassador Zhaolin: Bar–Boljare motorway most challenging project linking two states
Podgorica, Montenegro (28 April 2014) – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Information Society and Telecommunications Vujica Lazović met earlier today with Chinese Ambassador to Montenegro Zhi Zhaolin on his farewell visit.
The two officials noted that Montenegro and China have developed very good cooperation in the fields of technology, economy, culture and science, referring particularly to the cooperation within the implementation of investment projects in Montenegro.
DPM Lazović and Ambassador Zhaolin agreed that Bar – Boljare motorway is the most challenging economic and financial project linking Montenegro and China.
“This project is aimed at boosting the overall economic growth of Montenegro, employment, valorisation of natural resources, and it will create an excellent opportunity for foreign investments,” Ambassador Zhaolin stressed.
The meeting underlined that cooperation in promoting the tourist offer of Montenegro among Chinese citizens should be strengthened, due to their particular interest for this tourist destination.
DPM Lazović emphasised that Montenegro and China cherish good and friendly relations, adding that Montenegro has received two significant donations of computer equipment. He also commended the Chinese loan support for constructing ships for the Montenegrin navy.