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Marković: It is absolutely incorrect that Russian spies exist in our Services

Published on: Jul 15, 2014 8:31 PM Author: RTCG

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Duško Marković assessed in an interview given to TVCG that it was unjustified and unacceptable not to have yet anelected Supreme State Prosecutor at the head position of the institution which has the most important role in the fight against organized crime and corruption. Marković hopes that with more responsible approach of the Prosecution Council and the Parliament that process will be completed soon. Minister of Justice claims that it is not true that there are any Russian spiesemployed in Montenegrin intelligence Services, as well as it is not true that Montenegro received an alleged list of obligations from NATO.

DUŠKO MARKOVIĆ, Minister of Justice. “We interpret them as it was said. That is not a new message, and it is already included and agreed within common national documents and we work on fulfillment of those obligations on a daily basis”.

Is there any list of obligations dictated to Montenegro by NATO?

DUŠKO MARKOVIĆ, Minister of Justice. “No, there is no any list of obligations, but only standards exist. We have agreed those standards together with NATO member countries and relevant NATO bodies in Brussels and based on that we pursue normative and institutional reforms in Montenegro. There is no list of requests, but there are standards and you have to accept and implementthose standards, and you have to be capable to implement them into our legislation and to enforce them in the comparative manner, and those standards i.e. those obligations have beenincluded into documents that I have already talked about”.

Is the Montenegrin security sector under influence of international security services? I am asking You that in the context of allegations of the US Agency Associated Press which has recently reported that there are Russian spies employedin Montenegrin intelligence services.

DUŠKO MARKOVIĆ, Minister of Justice. “That is absolutely incorrect, and I may say that it represents journalist nonsense. We would be unserious country from the national aspect, if we would allow to have in our intelligence sector prevalence of foreign intelligence services, no matter where they might come from, hence it is absolutely incorrect. Our Services have many weaknesses and these strategic and operational documents are aimed at elimination of the weaknesses and getting acredible and professional intelligence community.AndI hold as absolutely not true theclaimthatsome representatives of other serviceswork in our intelligence community, and I rule it out as a possibility”.

Are You optimist that Montenegro will soon get thenew Supreme State Prosecutor and the Supreme Court President?

DUŠKO MARKOVIĆ, Minister of Justice. “Experiences from the so far procedures can not make me say that I am an optimist for that matter, but I hope that this process now in a new competition will be more responsible. That all actors who participate in the process, the Prosecution Council which has to determine candidate for Supreme State Prosecutorand forward that candidacy to the Parliament, and the very Parliament would be, as I said, more responsible and that finally we get Supreme State Prosecutor. It is unjustified and unacceptable that, at such important position,in such important state institution, which has one of the most significantroles in the fight against organized crime and corruption, we have no elected head in accordance with Constitutional amendments and the Law which emanate from those amendments. So, I cannot say that I have a higher level of confidence, but I have a hope and expectation that this time that process may be completed”.

We have congratulations to Montenegro for achieved reforms in the rule of law field, but on the other hand there are some critics for non-fulfillment of obligations in the field. What do You say, as Minister of Justice and Deputy Prime Minister, where are we now?

DUŠKO MARKOVIĆ, Minister of Justice. “The assessment that we have progress, that the progress is visible, that it is satisfactory, corresponds with the assessment that we have issues, and when we have problems then critics are logical. I would say that the reform process in the field of rule of law and legal security in Montenegro and in the Balkans on the whole is a very difficult process and it will be a long-standing process. It will not be completed through an action plan or a strategic document, but there will be reforms which have to be realized consistently in order tohave the rule of law,both in our country and the whole region, to becomeastandard”.
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