- Government of Montenegro
Information related to the protest of Montavar Met...
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Information related to the protest of Montavar Metalac employees
Published on: Sep 15, 2014 • 10:01 PM Author: PR Bureau
Podgorica, Montenegro (15 September 2014) – The Public Relations Bureau issued a response today to several media inquiries regarding the protest of Montavar Metalac company employees.
It is stated in the response that Montavar Metalac is a privately owned company towards which the Government of Montenegro has no obligations and which it is unable to treat differently than any other private company.
The response also stated that the claim put forth regarding this issue on several occasions (this morning, on 25 August, on 1 July) by the MINA News Agency, and also published by a number of other media, is wrong. This claim alleges that “the Investment and Development Fund has become an owner of two thirds of the factory, after Erste Bank charged from them, as a state guarantor, 1.5 million EUR.” The information on who truly owns Montavar Metalac can easily be obtained by visiting the website of the Central Register of Private Companies (www.crps.me ).
Earlier this spring, Government representatives met with the representatives of the company employees and showed good will and desire to help, but it was concluded that Government does not have a right
Predstavnici Vlade su se proljetos sastali sa predstavnicima zaposlenih u kompaniji pokazujući dobru volju da pomognu, ali Vlada niti može niti ima pravo da se bavi poslovanjem jedne privatne kompanije.
Poruka koju ste pokušali ispisati zaštićena je upravljanjem pravima na informacije. Pošiljatelj vam nije dodijelio prava potrebna za ispisivanje poruke.
It is stated in the response that Montavar Metalac is a privately owned company towards which the Government of Montenegro has no obligations and which it is unable to treat differently than any other private company.
The response also stated that the claim put forth regarding this issue on several occasions (this morning, on 25 August, on 1 July) by the MINA News Agency, and also published by a number of other media, is wrong. This claim alleges that “the Investment and Development Fund has become an owner of two thirds of the factory, after Erste Bank charged from them, as a state guarantor, 1.5 million EUR.” The information on who truly owns Montavar Metalac can easily be obtained by visiting the website of the Central Register of Private Companies (www.crps.me ).
Earlier this spring, Government representatives met with the representatives of the company employees and showed good will and desire to help, but it was concluded that Government does not have a right
Predstavnici Vlade su se proljetos sastali sa predstavnicima zaposlenih u kompaniji pokazujući dobru volju da pomognu, ali Vlada niti može niti ima pravo da se bavi poslovanjem jedne privatne kompanije.
Poruka koju ste pokušali ispisati zaštićena je upravljanjem pravima na informacije. Pošiljatelj vam nije dodijelio prava potrebna za ispisivanje poruke.
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