Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Montenegro joins EU LRIT Data Centre

Published on: Nov 6, 2014 6:41 PM Author: PR Bureau

Podgorica, Montenegro (6 November 2014) -- Montenegro's Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) will soon sign an agreement on the use of the Long-Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) system.

The LRIT system enables Montenegro to use the satellite-based tracking of vessels flying under the flag of Montenegro worldwide. The position of all ships is updated every 6 hours, and more often, if necessary. It also provides information on foreign ships which sail towards Montenegro’s ports for the purpose of search and rescue at sea. Introduction of the system is required by the SOLAS Convention.

Maritime Safety Authority will be in charge of implementing the LRIT system in Montenegro. By joining the European system for maritime safety, Montenegro will make substantial savings compared to the previously established National LRIT Data Centre, which operated within the Pole Star provider. 

Only EU member states, Norway and Iceland were able to use the EU LRIT system, and Montenegro is the first "third country" outside the EU to be connected to the system, as the European Commission and the EMSA assessed that it had fulfilled all the necessary requirements.

In 2013, Montenegro joined the CleanSeaNet system, a satellite-based monitoring system for marine oil spill detection and surveillance in European waters.

Montenegro is also expecting the EU’s positive position on the two remaining EU maritime safety systems:

• SafeSeaNet - European system for maritime security data exchange, and
• EMS, ie. expert working group for the implementation of the "Single Window" (simplification of port arrival/departure procedures of ships, as prescribed by the European Directive 2010/659.

The photograph shows position of Montenegro's ships on 28 October 2014.

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