- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Economic Development Roundtable was held in the Chamber of Economy
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Roundtable was held in the Chamber of Economy
Published on: Feb 25, 2015 • 10:36 PM Author: M
Roundtable entitled "Introduction of energy efficiency requirements in public procurement in Montenegro" was organized by the Ministry of Economy and Chamber of Economy on 21 January 2015.
Draft Guideline for introduction of technical criteria in public procurement of energy efficient products in Montenegro was presented to entrepreneurs in the Chaber of Economy.
Director-General of the Directorate for energy efficiency of the Ministry of Economy, Dragica Sekulic stated that the Law on Energy Efficiency stipulates that in the procedures for procurement of goods and services and purchase or lease of buildings the level of energy efficiency has to be considered. She said that the aim of this event was to consult the entrepreneurs in order to prevent the requirements from being too stringent to potential bidders in tendering procedures announced by state authorities.
"In order to further develop the legal framework and to adopt appropriate regulations which will ensure the introduction of energy efficiency requirements in public procurement procedures, the Ministry of Economy participates in the "Regional Energy Efficiency Program in the Western Balkans" (supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD ), which provides an adequate expert support. The company ECA (Economic Consulting Associates) is engaged as a consultant for the aforementioned work and the assignment of this company is also to prepare the following documents: Rulebook on the methodology for determining the level of energy efficiency in the public procurement of goods and services. Guideline for the introduction of minimum technical criteria in the procurement of energy efficient products in Montenegro." said Sekulic.
She has also stated that the aforementioned decree will be implemented upon adoption of rulebooks which will further regulate this issue.
Representative of the Chamber of Economy, Mladen Perazic, stated that implementation of principles of green economy in order to achieve the objectives of sustainable development represents a great challenge for Montenegro, considering the fact that it is related to efficient use of natural resources in all segments of business activities.
Procurement specialist of the consultancy team for implementation of the project, Darko Zivaljevic presented the aforementioned guideline. He said that the purpose of the guideline is to provide the public procurement officers a methodology for implementation of minimum standards and optional technical criteria for procurement of energy efficiency products.
After the aforementioned presentation Milica Daković (E3 Consulting), Srdjan Boricic (Montenegrin Electricity Market Operator), Dusan Vuksanovic (Faculty of Architecture), Zoran Vucinic (Center for Ecotoxicological Research) and Miodrag Pavlović,(Ljetopis Automotive) have participated in the discussion. Comments from this roundtable and future events will be included in the draft proposal of Guideline for the introduction of minimum technical criteria in the procurement of energy efficient products in Montenegro.
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