- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Economic Development The Law on Efficient Use of Energy is adopted
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The Law on Efficient Use of Energy is adopted
Published on: Feb 27, 2015 • 10:40 PM Author: M
The Parliament of Montenegro at its session held on 16 December 2014 adopted the Law on Efficient Use of Energy, which was published in the "Official Gazette of Montenegro" 57/2014 on 26 December 2014 and 3/2015 on 21 January 2015 (correction).
Montenegro as a candidate for EU accession, an member of the Energy Community is committed to the implementation of the EU acquis communautaire in energy field. In relation to energy efficiency the EU has adopted a series of directives in various aspects of energy efficiency which served as an excellent basis and guidelines for defining specific legal and institutional provisions for the promotion of energy efficiency in Montenegro.
Having in mind the commitments and the requirement to regulate the energy efficiency field, the Ministry of Economy of Montenegro has prepared the Law on Energy Efficiency ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" 29/10), adopted by the Parliament on 22 April 2010.
Law on Energy Efficiency established a basic legal framework for the development of energy efficiency, which includes rational use of energy and energy savings where possible, through precise definition of energy efficiency measures as well as through definition of responsibilities, rights and obligations of stakeholders relevant for the implementation of the Law on Energy Efficiency.
Following the adoption of the Law on Energy Efficiency, the legal framework in the field of energy efficiency at the EU level is substantially revised and strengthened which resulted in the demand for further development of the legal framework in Montenegro i.e. preparation of a new law - Law on Efficient Use of Energy.
The new Law regulates relations in the field of efficient use of energy at final consumption side, obligations related to the adoption and implementation of programs and plans for energy efficiency improvement at national and local level and at the level of energy entities and consumers, implementation of plans, public authorizations and responsibilities for development and implementation of the energy efficiency policy as well as all other energy efficiency measures and stakeholders responsible for their implementation. The Law does not regulate energy efficiency in facilities for energy production, transformation, transmission and distribution. Energy efficiency on supply side is regulated by the Energy Law.
The new Law is harmonized with the European legal framework, as follows:
Energy efficiency on final consumption side - Directive 2012/27/EC on energy efficiency;
Energy efficiency in buildings - Directive 2010/31/EC on the energy performance of buildings;
Energy labeling of energy related products - Directive 2010/30/EU on energy labeling of energy related products and the implementing regulations for different groups of products;
Eco-design of products that affect energy consumption - Directive 2009/125/EC establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products and the implementing measures for different groups of products.
The adoption of the new Law will enable a more efficient implementation and further development of by-laws in the field of energy efficiency, particularly regulations in the area of energy efficiency in buildings.
By entering into force of the Law on Efficient Use of Energy, the Law on Energy Efficiency ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" 29/10) and the provision of Article 145 of the Law on amendments to the law that defines fines for violations ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" 40/11) will be repealed.
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