Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Announcement: Preparatory Sectoral Monitoring Committee for the Operational Program - Regional Development 2012-2013

Published on: Mar 11, 2014 8:48 PM Author: Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism
The preparatory Sectoral Monitoring Committee for the Operational Program - Regional Development 2012-2013 will hold its session on Wednesday 19 March at 9:30 AM in the premises of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism.

Setting up of the Sectoral Monitoring Committee and its meeting at least twice a year shall be the obligation of the Operating Structure for the IPA Component III as envisaged by the IPA Implementing Regulation. The Operating Structure is composed of the representative of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro (in the capacity of the Head of the Operating Structure, body in charge of the Operating Program and body in charge of the priority measure – environment), the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs (in the capacity of a body in charge the priority measure – transport) and the Public Works Directorate (in the capacity of the Implementing Agency).

The main topic of the session, apart from setting up of the Committee and adoption of the Rules of Procedure, will also be the presentation of the work done in the preceding period on establishment of a decentralized implementation system in IPA funds management, as well as of program documents adopted, with the emphasis on the Operational Program - Regional Development 2012-2013, and review of steps already taken in its implementation.

The session of the preparatory Sectoral Monitoring Committee will be attended by the representatives of the European Commission, European Investment Bank, all institutions involved in the IPA Component III in Montenegro, relevant representatives of the governmental and civil sector, together with relevant representatives of the governmental and civil sector, municipalities, and other parties interested in the realization of projects planned by the Operational Program.
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