- Government of Montenegro
Open Government Partnership Operational Team defin...
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Open Government Partnership Operational Team defines priorities for the II Action Plan
Published on: Mar 31, 2015 • 9:32 PM Author: PR Bureau
Open Government Partnership Operational Team decided on its V session held on 30 March 2015 on a set of priority areas for the II Action Plan currently being drafted. The priority areas are: further improvement of state administration transparency, capital budget expenditures, implementation of the Law on Free Access to Information, and e-government. The session concluded that for the purposes of drafting the II Action Plan the Operational Team should require information from several state administration bodies on their plans and activities in relation to the priority areas in order to align the II Action Plan as much as possible with the ongoing and planned activities of those bodies.
Operational Team’s members agreed that the existing legislation is limiting its activity towards judicial and legislative branches of the government, as well as towards local governments, and in that regard the Team has recognised the of involving all stakeholders in the procedure of drafting the II Action Plan in accordance with the spirit of the Open Government Partnership global initiative.
The session has concluded that public consultations on the II Action Plan, planned for April, should involve representatives of the academic and business communities, non-governmental, the media, and the general population.
The Coordinator informed the Team that he has received a written communication from the NGO UPIS on 25 March 2015, in which he was informed that this NGO has sent a written communication to the Government’s Office for Cooperation with Non-governmental Organisations by virtue of which it has terminated Prof Dr Blagota Mitrić’s participation in the Operational Team. The Coordinator further informed the Team that in relation with this issue he has requested the Office to inform him officially as quickly as possible of the changes and measures undertaken by the Office in this regard. It was concluded at the Team’s V session that, until an official decision by the Office for Cooperation with Non-governmental Organisations, the Team considers itself complete in the original composition of its members.
The Operational Team reached a consensus as regards the basic tenets of its first Work Report which the Team is required to submit to the Government at the end of the first quarter of 2015.
Operational Team’s members agreed that the existing legislation is limiting its activity towards judicial and legislative branches of the government, as well as towards local governments, and in that regard the Team has recognised the of involving all stakeholders in the procedure of drafting the II Action Plan in accordance with the spirit of the Open Government Partnership global initiative.
The session has concluded that public consultations on the II Action Plan, planned for April, should involve representatives of the academic and business communities, non-governmental, the media, and the general population.
The Coordinator informed the Team that he has received a written communication from the NGO UPIS on 25 March 2015, in which he was informed that this NGO has sent a written communication to the Government’s Office for Cooperation with Non-governmental Organisations by virtue of which it has terminated Prof Dr Blagota Mitrić’s participation in the Operational Team. The Coordinator further informed the Team that in relation with this issue he has requested the Office to inform him officially as quickly as possible of the changes and measures undertaken by the Office in this regard. It was concluded at the Team’s V session that, until an official decision by the Office for Cooperation with Non-governmental Organisations, the Team considers itself complete in the original composition of its members.
The Operational Team reached a consensus as regards the basic tenets of its first Work Report which the Team is required to submit to the Government at the end of the first quarter of 2015.
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