- Government of Montenegro
Government of Montenegro's correction regarding cl...
Government of Montenegro's correction regarding claims published by Croatian daily "Slobodna Dalmacija"
Podgorica, Montenegro (25 April 2015) – Regarding the claims published on 24 April 2015 by Croatian daily "Slobodna Dalmacija" in the newspaper article entitled "Montenegro seizing Croatian sea for oil exploitation", the Government of Montenegro informs the public that it did not breach the 2002 Protocol on the Interim Regime along the Southern Border and that the claims set forth in the article are false.
In order to protect its interests, the Government of Montenegro made an objection to the Croatian side and international bodies as the protocol was breached when Croatia called for tender for granting concessions for oil and gas exploitation in the area that constitues disputed territory.
Montenego's tender for exploration and production of hydrocarbons does not approach the disputed area between the azimuths 206 and 231. On the contrary, our first call for bids for oil and gas exploration covers the south-eastern part of the seabed of Montenegro, towards the border with Albania. Daily “Slobodna Dalmacija” is also familiar with the fact and it published on 9 August 2013 the research map denying the claims from its today’s article (the article is still available at: http://slobodnadalmacija.hr/Hrvatska/tabid/66/articleType/ArticleView/articleId /218120/Default.aspx).
The Montenego government remains committed to conducting negotiations on formulating a final agreement whereby the two countries would approach the International Court of Justice in the Hague with the aim of reaching a final decision in the best interests of both countries.