- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Economic Development Public consultation on the draft Concession Act fo...
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Public consultation on the draft Concession Act for granting concessions for the construction of small hydropower in Montenegro
Published on: May 12, 2015 • 2:00 PM Author: m
Informs the public that in the period from 12.05.2015 to 12.06.2015. will be held:
Public consultation on the draft Concession Act for granting concessions for the construction of small hydropower in Montenegro
On the basis of Article 18 of the Law on Concessions ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" no. 08/09), the Ministry of Economy conducts a public hearing on the draft Concession Act for granting concessions for the construction of small hydropower in Montenegro. The aim of the public debate is that all stakeholders meet with the current draft of the Concession Act on the basis of which will be announced a public tender for granting concessions for the construction of small hydro power plants on given water streams. Draft Concession Act can be downloaded from the official website of the Ministry of Economy: http://www.mek.gov.me/en/ministry as well as on the website of renewable energy sources: www.oie-res.me
We invite all interested parties to submit their comments and suggestions to 12.06.2015. E-mail address: mhe.koncesije@mek.gov.me or at the address: Ministry of Economy, Rimski trg 46, 81000 Podgorica. Within the public hearings Central roundtable will be held in Podgorica in the hall of the Amphitheater of the University of Montenegro 20th of May 2015, at 12.00hrs.
Draft of Concession Act can be downloaded on this link.
Draft of Concession Contract can be downloaded on this link.
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