Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Cabinet adopts Montenegro Development Directions 2015-2018

Published on: Jul 2, 2015 11:41 PM Author: PR Bureau

Podgorica, Montenegro (2 July 2015) – At today's session, the Cabinet adopted Montenegro Development Directions 2015-2018. Given the fact that the strategic goal of Montenegro is to increase the quality of life in the long run, the document confirms the previously established objectives and directions of development that are consistent with the Europe 2020 strategy. It also includes innovated development measures and projects, which had been complied with the current situation and the country's EU aspirations. In line with available resources, tourism, energy, agriculture and rural development, and manufacturing industry have been identified as priority sectors for development of Montenegro. In the framework of the basic directions of development (smart, sustainable and inclusive growth) and policy areas, key measures, projects and way of their funding have been identified. The total estimated value of planned projects and development measures is EUR 2.889,114,374

Montenegro’s Government also approved yesterday the Environment Bill. The new piece of legislation regulates principles of environmental protection and sustainable development, subjects, instruments and measures of protection, access to information, public participation, access to justice in environmental matters, funding and other important issues in this field. The proposed law forms the basis for the adoption of other acts which will fully harmonise national legislation will that of the EU, the Cabinet concluded.

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