- Government of Montenegro
Statement by NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg at...
Statement by NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg at press conference with Montenegro
Good morning, and dobar dan, Igor, dobrodošla, Crna Goro, and welcome to all of you.
This morning we made a historic decision, the twenty-eight NATO Allies agreed to invite Montenegro to begin accession talks to join the Alliance.
This is a historic achievement.
Montenegro has conducted significant reforms. It has shown a commitment to our common values, and to international security. I congratulate the government and people of Montenegro for all that they have achieved. NATO membership will make both Montenegro and NATO more secure.
With NATO’s help, Montenegro has modernised and reformed. NATO membership integrates Montenegro within the Euro-Atlantic community. And it strengthens security across the Western Balkans. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the government of Montenegro throughout the accession process.
NATO’s Open Door policy has been one of the Alliance’s great successes, moving us ever closer to our vision of a Europe whole, free and at peace. NATO enlargement has fostered reform, strengthened collective security and provided the stability which is the foundation of prosperity. And we have done this in a way that allows sovereign countries to choose their own security arrangements.
NATO’s door is open. Today’s decision is proof of that.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are also making towards NATO membership. We remain as committed as ever to the membership aspirations of these countries. We will do everything we can to assist them in achieving their goals, judging each aspirant country on its own merits. And we encourage them to continue along the path of reform.
Today’s decision shows that the hard work of reform pays off. Minister, once again, congratulations. NATO membership is good for Montenegro, it is good for Europe, and it is good for the Alliance. So, once again, welcome.