Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Council for NATO Membership: Montenegro should continue fulfiling NATO agenda on its path to membership

Published on: Jan 28, 2016 6:00 AM Author: Government of Montenegro

Podgorica, Montenegro (28 January 2016) – The ninth regular session of the Council for NATO Membership, chaired by President of the Council and Prime Minister Milo Đukanović, discussed the information regarding the implementation of reforms and fulfilment of obligations under Euro-Atlantic agenda after receiving a membership invitation.

The meeting paid special attention to the forthcoming activities of competent state institutions on the eve of accession negotiations with the Alliance planned for mid-February in Brussels. The Council stressed the necessity of taking all necessary actions in a responsible and efficient manner in order to enable the signing the Protocol of Accession in due time. In that regard, the meeting highlighted importance of further activities of the Council for NATO Membership’s Communication Team and its plans to continue the campaign during 2016. Proactive approach and meetings with citizens contribute to strengthening public support, as evidenced by the conducted opinion polls, the Council for NATO Membership emphasised.

It was also concluded that the public dialogue on the benefits of membership, as well as other necessary activities related to the process of Euro-Atlantic integration, should continue with the same intensity during 2016.


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