Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Montenegro to step up cooperation with US universities

Published on: Mar 31, 2016 8:57 PM Author: PR Service

Washington D.C, the United States (31 March 2016) -- Minister of Science Sanja Vlahović, at the invitation of high representatives of the World Bank, is paying visit to Washington this week. She met yesterday with Judith G. Garber, Secretary of the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the White House (OES/STC), whose mission is to create a policy in the field of science and technology for the US government, and acts as an advisory body of the President of the United States.

Secretary Garber presented to Minister Vlahović US experience in cooperation with countries such as Montenegro and opportunities for future cooperation. After the Minister Vlahović presented the development of scientific systems and projects and activities that are being implemented in Montenegro, with emphasis on the strategy of connecting science and business sectors, Secretary Garber gave support to Montenegrin politics in the field of science. She also promised to timely inform State Department, through the Embassy in Montenegro, about activities and programmes of the sector of science and technology which may be important to scientific research community in Montenegro and the development of science policy in the country. At the meeting they also discussed Montenegrin scientists in America who are at doctoral and postdoctoral studies at US universities, and scientists who are already working at research institutes and centres throughout the United States. Secretary Garber said that this State Department’s body can be support for all Montenegrin scientists who are in America.

Minister Vlahović and Montenegro's ambassador to Washington Srđan Darmanović visited yesterday George Washington University, where they met with Vice President for research Dr. Leo M. Chalupa. Minister Vlahović introduced Mr. Chalupa with the development of science in Montenegro, the results and progress achieved in the previous five-year cycle, current projects, and plans for the upcoming period. The theme of the talks was also the possibility of establishing cooperation, with emphasis on project Expert finder established by GW University this year. It is a possibility offered to all scientists around the world to apply as experts on projects of GW University.

Special attention was paid to conversation about creating networks with scientific diaspora, which Vice President Chalupa rated as extremely useful, especially when it comes to small countries like Montenegro. He rated announced conference of Montenegrin scientific diaspora in the home country as an exceptional move that can do a lot for Montenegro, considering that connecting scientists from different, prestigious institutions of science and education in the world with colleagues and institutions in Montenegro could open many doors and achieve cooperation of crucial importance for the future prosperity of the country. Minister Vlahović presented to Mr. Chalupa programmes of the National scholarship of master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral students, who after graduation have an obligation to implement gained knowledge in the home country, as well as future project of employing doctoral and postdoctoral students in Montenegro in order to directly implement acquired knowledge and virtues.

Tomorrow Minister Vlahović will be a participant at the panel "How knowledge exchange can influence the reform of higher education and science", which is held at the conference of the World Bank "Third High-Level Meeting on Country-led Knowledge Sharing – HLM3". At this panel, Minister Vlahović, will present the experience of Montenegro and introduce guests to the project HERIC/INVO, which raises the quality of higher education and science in Montenegro.

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