- Government of Montenegro
Montenegro's Cabinet session
Montenegro's Cabinet session
Podgorica, Montenegro (12 May 2016) -- In order to improve the work of the public administration, the Montenegrin Government at today’s session approved the Draft Amendments to the Law on Central Population Register. The proposed provisions provide for the transfer of responsibilities for keeping the Central Population Register from the Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunications to the Ministry of the Interior. The solution will raise the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the public administration, due to the fact that the Ministry of the Interior keeps civil registers (registration of births, marriages, deaths and other legally established data relating to or in connection with personal and family status), as well as the electoral register.
The Central Population Register includes data on the Montenegrin citizens residing in Montenegro, that is, who were granted a permanent or temporary residence abroad, data on foreigners with permanent or temporary residence in Montenegro, as well as information about foreigners who have assets in Montenegro, as well as rights and obligations on pension and disability insurance, taxes, etc.
Bearing in mind the need to harmonise Montenegro’s visa policy with the EU regulations and the implementation of the Schengen Action Plan, as well as the fulfillment of the temporary requirements under the Chapter 24, the Government adopted the Regulation on the Visa Regime. In compliance with the visa policy of the EU, the regulation establishes visa exemptions for nationals of certain countries allowing them to transit through the territory and stay in Montenegro up to 90 days with a valid passport without a visa. Furthermore, bearing in mind the development of bilateral relations between Montenegro and the Russian Federation, based on the principles of friendship, understanding and cooperation, in particular through intensified investment and residence of the Russian citizens in Montenegro, the regulation stipulates that citizens of the Russian Federation may pass through the territory and stay in Montenegro up to 90 days with a valid passport without a visa.
The Government of Montenegro adopted the National Action Plan for the protection against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats and risks (CBRN) for the period 2016 - 2020. The Cabinet concluded that the National Action Plan is a strategic mechanism for determining CBRN risks that are most relevant for Montenegro in the field of prevention, detection, preparedness and response to the situation. The plan will serve as a framework for further cooperation with international institutions that provide support to Montenegro in developing and implementing projects in this area.