- Government of Montenegro
Montenegro is example of good practice in developi...
Montenegro is example of good practice in developing LGBT policy
Paris, France (18 May 2016) -- Adviser to Prime Minister for Human Rights and Protection from Discrimination and National Coordinator for LGBT Policy Jovan Kojičić, who leads the Montenegrin delegation at an international ministerial meeting on education and prevention of violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression, taking place in Paris and sponsored by UNESCO, spoke at a panel discussion on the sensitivity of the approach to this area, as the key element for a comprehensive approach in the field of education in that regard. The delegation also includes Director-General for pre-school and primary education and education of people with special needs at the Ministry of Education Arijana Nikolić Vučinić, Director-General for promotion and protection of human rights at the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights Blanka Radošević Marović, and Programme Director of the NGO Juventas Jelena Čolaković.
During the panel debate, Adviser Kojičić presented Montenegro's achievements and the LGBT development policy, emphasising the importance of the systematic approach to monitoring violence, comprehensive national and school policy in this area, as well as the willingness of the education sector to respond to such challenges. Safe, inclusive and supportive school environment, support for the training programmes for teachers and professional staff, information campaigns and cooperation with civil society, are the references that best reflect the activities of LGBT policies in the education sector of Montenegro. It is a process that requires a strategic approach, leadership and time to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence, while promoting inclusive access and equal opportunity in education for all.
Montenegro has significantly improved its legislation in the field of respect for human rights of all citizens, developed a broad discussion and a number of measures and the Strategy for improving the quality of life of LGBT persons. During the discussion, the participants recognised the experience of Malta and Montenegro as examples of good practice and voiced interest in the political formula to achieve such progress and opportunities that can boost the process on the international scene. As key elements in achieving success, Adviser Kojičić stressed the importance of political will, capacity, skills and leadership, which have marked the development path of Montenegro in recent years in this area, in full cooperation with the LGBT community and civil society, as well as the international partners, such as the Williams Institute of UCLA Law School in Los Angeles, Egale Canada, and many prestigious and professional institutions, organisations and universities worldwide.
During the conference, representatives of the Montenegrin delegation took part in the preparation of a ministerial call to action which will define the guidelines and activities in this area, and met with senior representatives of many international organisations, governments and NGOs, namely the European Commission, the Government of the Province of Ontario in Canada, as well as with Minister for Social Dialogue, Consume Affairs and Civil Liberties of Malta Helena Dali.