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Chief Negotiator Pejović meets French Ambassador: Summit in Paris is clear confirmation of European perspective of Western Balkans

Published on: Jul 7, 2016 9:03 PM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (7 July 2016) -- The message sent from the Paris Western Balkans Summit that the future of the Western Balkans is in European integration and that the enlargement process will continue, as well as that the pace of progress towards membership will depend on individual results and success, is an encouragement and incentive for the successful continuation of the reform processes in these countries, State Secretary for European integration and Chief Negotiator, Ambassador Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, and Ambassador of France to Montenegro Veronique Brimeaux agreed in a meeting held in Podgorica earlier today.

Ambassador Brimeaux pointed out that the Paris summit showed the EU's determination to continue pursuing the enlargement policy and recalled the statement of President Hollande saying that European perspective of the Western Balkan countries is important for the preservation of stability and security and further progress of the region. She also reiterated that the summit underlined that the United Kingdom's decision to leave the EU will not stop the enlargement policy, as evidenced by the intergovernmental conference at which Montenegro and Turkey opened new chapters in their negotiations with the EU.

Ambassador Pejović underlined that the Paris summit is as important for both the EU and countries of the Western Balkans. It showed strength and determination of the Union to preserve unity and continue the implementation of its strategic directions and policies.

"The summit confirmed the clear and unambiguous European perspective of the Western Balkans and strong determination of the member states to support the implementation of the necessary reforms, but primarily through further intensification of regional cooperation and implementation of concrete joint initiatives and projects," said the Chief Negotiator. In that context, he underlined the importance of the investment package worth EUR 450 million, of which EUR 150 million is the EU grant intended for road and energy infrastructure projects.

The two officials agreed that, after the summit in Paris, the countries of the Western Balkans have even clearer European perspective, closer cooperation and partnership.

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