- Government of Montenegro
National Commission for implementation of Strategy...
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National Commission for implementation of Strategy for Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing holds session
Published on: Jul 20, 2016 • 7:00 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (20 July 2016) – The National Commission for the implementation of the Strategy for Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing 2015-2018, and the Action Plan 2015-2016, held regular session on 20 July 2016 which was attended by Commission's members from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior and Police Directorate, Ministry of Defence and General Staff, National Security Agency, Administration for prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, Tax administration and Customs Administration.
The Commission discussed proposals of the 10th six-month report to the Government of Montenegro, as well as of the 2nd quarterly report to the Bureau for Operational Coordination and harmonization of the work of the bodies constituting the security and intelligence sector on the implementation of the Strategy for Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism, Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing 2015-2018, and the Action Plan 2015-2016.
The Commission also discussed amendments to the working version of the risk assessment and hazard analysis developed by the Interdepartmental working group on operational/expert level, as well as other issues within its competence.
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