Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Cabinet adopts Land Policy Study of Montenegro

Published on: Aug 26, 2016 1:50 AM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (25 August 2016) – At today’s session, the Montenegrin Cabinet adopted the Land Policy Study of Montenegro, whose main task is to provide effective and efficient mechanisms in order to establish coherence of economic, agricultural, fiscal and credit policies, on the one hand, and utilities, investment, urban and environmental policies, on the other hand. The study contains a proposal of an integrated set of instruments of land policy and recommendations on several levels.

The main objectives of the Land Policy Study are:
- Developing land policy mechanism that will enable the return and capitalisation of public investment;
- Providing fiscal incentives to encourage manufacturing, tourism and agriculture;
- Laying the foundations of the system for the conversion of areas in order to maximize economic and social benefits;
- Providing land policy mechanisms that will ensure sustainable use and discourage unsustainable use in terms of spatial distribution;
- Clearly identify the role of private investors and contractors in the land use planning process.

The session approved the Draft Law Amending the Law on Health Care. The amendments to this law are necessary having in mind certain technical corrections that may be the reason for inadequate implementation of certain provisions of already established normative framework of the reformed health care system.

Minister of Finance has verbally informed the Cabinet members about the implementation of the Law on Settlement of Debts for workers of the Aluminium Plant Podgorica, who are, due to the bankruptcy of the company, entitled to a pension. On this occasion, the Cabinet tasked a working group to prepare and submit to the Government a comprehensive solution to this issue.

The Cabinet also adopted the Information on the measures implemented in the suppression of lumpy skin disease of cattle in Montenegro. They decided to task the ministry of Agriculture to monitor the situation in the country and the region, and to inform the Government and the European Commission on a regular basis about the activities undertaken. While adopting this information, Finance Minister Raško Konjević singled out his opinion.

 The Government accepted the resignations of representatives of the Civic Movement URA in the state administration, local governments, funds, departments, institutions and management bodies of companies in majority state ownership, who had been appointed on the basis of the Agreement on creation of conditions for free and fair elections and Lex Specialis.

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