Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Response to the content published on the website of the so-called “Turkish-Syrian Committee for Human Rights”

Published on: Sep 1, 2016 1:40 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (31 August 2016) — In relation to the untruthful, unfounded, ungrounded, and malicious claims published on the website of the so-called “Turkish-Syrian Committee for Human Rights,” which were republished by certain media outlets registered in Montenegro, according to which “a number of” Montenegrin citizens have been apprehended in Turkey for allegedly being involved in an attempted coup in that country, and in relation to the claims of an alleged involvement of Montenegro and its high officials with the attempted coup in Turkey, the PR Service of the Government of Montenegro communicates the following with the view to ensuring truthful and wholesome provision of information: 

The claims that “a number of” Montenegrin citizens have been apprehended in Turkey in relation to an attempted coup, as well as the claims that official Montenegro has in any way been connected with the attempted coup, are entirely unfounded.

The Embassy of Montenegro in the Republic of Turkey maintains regular and timely contacts with the officials of this friendly country, in the same fashion that the state authorities of Montenegro are maintaining communication with the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Montenegro. In all of these contacts, as well as during the special briefings for foreign diplomats held in Ankara in relation to the attempted coup, Montenegro has not in any way been mentioned in such a context as the text maliciously insinuates, unlike some states, including some from the Western Balkans, whose citizens have been apprehended on suspicion of involvement in the attempted coup.

Not a single citizen of Montenegro has so far contacted the Embassy in Ankara seeking assistance. In addition, there are no information on either Montenegrin on Turkish side that would leave any trace of doubt, let alone proving any of the claims put forth in the text. Not a single relevant and professional Turkish or foreign media outlet has so far presented any facts that could serve as a basis for these malicious claims. 

This is not the first time that insinuations without any ground are put forth that allege to involvement of Montenegro, its citizens, or its officials in the attempted coup in Turkey. This was first done on 27 July 2016 by a news portal that has for years been spreading simultaneously from our neighbourhood and from its employer’s outposts in Montenegro misinformation on Montenegro. At that time, these insinuations have been refuted with facts by the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Podgorica.

The line authorities have again been in touch with the Embassy in Ankara and the Embassy in Podgorica regarding these repeated insinuations and they have again looked into the matted and received information that there are no grounds for the claims on alleged arrests of Montenegrin citizens in Turkey. According to the official information, not a single Montenegrin citizen has been arrested in Turkey in relation to the attempted coup. Therefore, the claims of “criminal prosecution” of Montenegrin citizens “involved with the attempted coup“ are unfounded.

Finally, the web portal of the so-called “Turkish-Syrian Committee for Human Rights” which published these insinuations appears not the be a media outlet at all and a human rights committee even less. It is a website without any relevant information on who is behind it. Among the dozens of content pieces on the website, most of which have been republished from various media outlets over the past two months since the website has been registered with concealed information on ownership, this text is the only piece of content that is not exclusively related to Syria or Turkey and it is the only of the five tweets that has not been retweeted from another Twitter profile. The only follower of these phantom page on Twitter is an author of the similar content that was published on 27 July. Not counting those that have set up this website for a single purpose — publication of this sort of insinuations in the election campaigns, as well as those opponents of Montenegro that have expressly republished this content or have suddenly shown interest in it, at the same time seeking comment from the Government of Montenegro even before the content could be picked up by search engines, i.e. before this two-months-old website could have been known to anyone who did not know of its existence from the very beginning.

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