Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Prime Minister Đukanović meets in New York with representatives of Montenegro's diaspora

Published on: Sep 20, 2016 10:36 PM Author: PR Service

PR ServiceNew York, the USA (20 September 2016) -- Prime Minister Milo Đukanović met in New York with representatives of Montenegro's diaspora in the United States. He was hosted by a well-known businessman Refko Radončić in his hotel on Manhattan.

The Prime Minister thanked the emigrants for their contribution to restoring the Montenegrin statehood and the promotion of modern Montenegro of which they are an inseparable part. He voiced satisfaction with the opportunity to meet them as they are in New York, as well as throughout the United States, regarded as distinguished and loyal citizens of their new homeland.

Prime Minister Đukanović informed the emigrants about the current processes in Montenegro, concluding that the country has strengthened multiethnic harmony and internal stability and made notable progress not only towards the European Union and NATO, but also in the economic field.

In that context, he in particular emphasised the development of infrastructure, tourism and energy, especially noting the Government's commitment to a more efficient use of potentials of northern Montenegro, where the majority of the Montenegrin emigrants come from.

The Prime Minister especially thanked the representatives of the diaspora for their humanitarian engagement in Montenegro, for helping institutions and other entities, such as Komanski Bridge institution and NGO Help from Plav, thus confirming their affection for Montenegro.

Representatives of the emigrant community voiced willingness to strengthen ties with their homeland through various channels. They also welcomed the Government's policy aimed at creating favourable conditions for business and balanced development of the country.

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