Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Service Contract: "The development and strengthening of the capacities of State Audit Institution and Audit Authority"-Award Notice

Service contract "The development and strengthening of the capacities of State Audit Institution and Audit Authority"

Publication reference: EuropeAid/138388/IH/SER/ME

You can download Award  Notice: Award.PDFpublished on 18.12.2018.

You can download Shortlist Notice: Short list.DOC published on 12.06. 2018.

You can download Clarifications for this service contract here: Clarifications no. 1 - EuropeAid-138388-IH-SER-ME.docx, published on 24.10.2017.

You can download Contract Notice for this service contract here: b2a_contractnotice_en 0709 state audit.docpublished on 26.09.2017.

You can download PIN for this service contract here: PIN_ PFM_Component_V_FINAL.pdf,  published on 24.09.2016.

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