- Government of Montenegro
Statement of Tender Commitee for Valorisation of B...
Statement of Tender Commitee for Valorisation of Buljarica Location: Sensational claims could adversely affect the process
On the occasion of media articles about the work of the Tender Committee for the valorisation of the Buljarica Location, we present the following facts:
At the international tender to submit bids for the purchase and long-term lease of land and aqua space in the zone of the Maritime Domain and the Buljarica Location, only one bidder paid for purchase of tender documents, and only one bid arrived in due time.
The submitted bid is reviewed by the consultants and the Tender Committee, and in accordance with Article 18 of the Instructions to bidders that are part of the tender documents and the responsibilities and powers under the Regulation on sale and lease of things in state property, the Tender Committee required of bidder additional documentation and clarification of some elements of the Bid.
The bidder provided the requested clarification and submitted additional documents within the deadline, and the Tender Committe affirmed formal validity of the Bid.
We emphasise that the Tender Committe evaluated the fulfillment of the qualification requirements that are required in the Public invitation, and found that the bidder meets the qualification requirements of paragraph B of the Public invitation.
Regarding the bid warranty, the Tender Committe requested and received from the bidder the clarification of the submitted bid warranty issued by a bank that has AAA credit rating, a required criterion by tender procedure was BBB, so that the received Bid provided guarantees of first class bank, payable at first call.
For the purposes of the Tender Committee, correspondent bank of the Council for Privatisation and Capital Projects reviewed submitted warranty, which confirmed its validity.
The decision of the Tender Committee that the bid fulfills the formal requirements does not mean the acceptance of the requests that Bidder provided in the form of requests and comments on the proposed contracts.
The Bidder's requests and proposals will be considered in the next phase of the tender procedure.
It is clear that the Tender Committee will not accept the issuance of state guarantees, because such thing is not provided by the tender procedure.
Tender Committee considers that sensational disclosure of incomplete and unverified information, at the time when the Bid arrived from reputable bidder who meets the strict qualification requirements, could have a significant negative impact on the outcome of the tender process.
Tender Committee for Valorisation of the Buljarica Location