- Government of Montenegro
Brussels: Montenegro opens two more chapters in ne...
Brussels: Montenegro opens two more chapters in negotiations with EU
Brussels, Belgium(13 December 2016) -- At the Intergovernmental Conference, which was held earlier today in Brussels, Montenegro opened the negotiating Chapter 11 - Agriculture and Rural Development, and Chapter 19 - Social Policy and Employment.
Montenegrin delegation was headed by Minister of European Affairs Aleksandar Andrija Pejović. The delegation included Acting Director General for European Affairs at the Ministry of European Affairs and Secretary of the Negotiating Group Miodrag Radovic, Head of the Mission of Montenegro to the EU, Ambassador Bojan Šarkić, as well as members of the Negotiating Group responsible for chapters 11 and 19, Director General for Agriculture and Fisheries at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development Danijela Stolica, and Director General for European Integration at the Ministry of Labour and social Welfare Ljiljana Simović.
In his speech, Minister Pejović said that, following the opening of negotiations in 24 chapters and a temporary closure of two chapters, the negotiation process continues with the planned dynamics and good pace of progress in other areas, such as agriculture and rural development, and social policy and employment.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia Miroslav Lajčak voiced pleasure that, during the Slovak presidency, Montenegro's progress in the negotiation process continued. In that regard, he welcomed the formation of the new government and called on all political stakeholders to re-engage in the political dialogue, especially in the context of the Parliament.
EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn praised the continuous progress and visible results Montenegro has achieved in the negotiation process. He also stressed the importance of today’s opening of the negotiating chapters for further economic growth and improving the quality of life of the Montenegrin citizens.
Speaking of Chapter 11 - Agriculture and Rural Development, Minister Pejović noted that Montenegro is fully aware of the benefits arising out of this chapter, as well as great opportunities that reaching European standards offers for better placement of domestic agricultural products and the sustainable development of rural areas of Montenegro. Reforms in agriculture and rural development will open new opportunities for our farmers through increased financial support production and provide better living conditions in rural areas, he explained.
With regard to Chapter 19 - Social Policy and Employment, Minister Pejović reminded that, by developing an action plan for the gradual harmonisation of legislation and building the necessary capacity to implement and enforce the EU acquis, Montenegro has met the condition for the opening of this chapter. By achieving high European standards in the field of social policy and employment, we will improve the level of protection of health, safety at work, social security and the rights of all workers in Montenegro, Minister Pejović stressed.
He also referred to the results Montenegro has achieved in the field of the rule of law and in fulfilling economic criteria for membership. He pointed out that today's opening of the two chapters is the confirmation of the good results Montenegro has made in these areas and the recognition that recent elections were held in a fair and democratic atmosphere, but also an additional incentive to intensify efforts towards fulfilling the remaining obligations from the EU agenda.