- Government of Montenegro
PM Marković to Montenegrins living in Lovćenac, Se...
Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.
PM Marković to Montenegrins living in Lovćenac, Serbia: Embrace Serbia as your country and love Montenegro
Published on: Feb 4, 2017 • 8:20 PM Author: PR Service
Prime Minister Duško Marković told Montenegrins living in the Serbian town of Lovćenac to be loyal citizens of the Republic of Serbia and to love Montenegro as their motherland.
“Embrace Serbia as your country and love Montenegro,” Prime Minister Duško Marković said in his meeting with officials of Lovćenac and Mali Iđoš, towns in Vojvodina, Serbia with significant percentage of inhabitants who originate from Montenegro. He encouraged the Montenegrin diaspora to carry Montenegro in their hearts and to commit themselves to the wellbeing of Serbia as this contributes to the wellbeing of Montenegro as well. He noted that we should live in unity and build a better future for all our communities.
The Prime Minister said that Montenegro as the country of origin has not thus far been properly committed to its diaspora. “Several years ago we decided to change course and strengthen our relations with the diaspora. I want my Government to keep in touch with you each month of each of the four years, and I want the subsequent governments to do the same,” Montenegro’s Prime Minister told Montenegrins living in Serbia.
The Prime Minister also donated the Montenegrin community in the Republic of Serbia a library.
He thanked the residents of Lovćenac for the emotional response they sparked in him during the visit.
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