Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

PM Marković visits CERN: Montenegro gets opportunity to use scientific potential of whole world

Published on: Jul 7, 2017 8:21 PM Author: PR Service

Geneva, Switzerland (7 July 2017) -- Prime Minister Duško Marković signed ealier today at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), the world's leading scientific institution, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Montenegro and CERN, whic will enable Montenegro to become a full member of the CMS Experiment (The Compact Muon Solenoid).

"By signing the memorandum, we create conditions for using all the scientific potential and knowledge of renowned scientists from all over the world in order to empower our researchers and contribute to the Montenegrin science and the development of physics in Montenegro," said Prime Minister Markovic after signing the Memorandum of Understanding in the CERN experimental facilities at 100 metres below the ground surface.

The Prime Minister expressed confidence that the using of the CERN potentials will open up great and new opportunities not only for scientists, but also for boosting the quality of life of all citizens of Montenegro.

"I believe this will be the beginning that will mark the transfer of knowledge to the Montenegrin scientists and the Montenegrin scientific community, and that not only scientists and individuals will benefit from this, but Montenegro as well, its economy and thus the new Montenegrin development, which will contribute to higher quality of life in Montenegro. It is also an honour and privilege that Montenegro and its scientists can contribute to the development of science in Europe and around the world in their own way and within their means," Prime Minister concluded.

Montenegro became part of one of the largest LHC experiments in CERN, with about 4,000 scientists, engineers and students from 200 research institutions from round the world. By signing the memorandum, the entire infrastructure of the Great Hadron Collider (LHC) with all the accompanying equipment, detectors and computer systems will become available to Montenegro's researchers.

At the beginning of the visit, Prime Minister Marković told the CERN management that he is extremely honoured to be invited to visit this prestigious scientific institution and that he believes that after this visit, the idea of Science Minister Sanja Damjanović about Montenegro starting to use potentials of the institution will come to life.

"We come from a small country with great ambitions," said the Prime Minister, adding that the biggest deficit that exists today in Montenegro is a deficit of knowledge and that this visit is important for the country because it can only come closer to developed countries by increasing the knowledge base and improving the quality of life of citizens.

CERN representatives informed the Prime Minister about the institution's achievements, where 1,000 physicists receive their PhD yearly, and where the average age of scientists is 27.

We need young people for our science, the meeting underlined, while CERN Director General Fabiola Giianotti noted that CERN is today completely open to Montenegro.

CMS Control Director Joel Butler briefed the Prime Minister on the work of the LHC Accelerator and stressed:

"Montenegro will be working in one of these areas, or maybe in two."

In the afternoon, the Prime Minister singed the guestbook.

"Working with renowned world scientists in a prestigious environment such as CERN creates excellent conditions for the training of the Montenegrin researchers. I expect that cooperation at this level will enable an efficient transfer of knowledge to our scientists, and the popularisation of physics as an important scientific discipline in Montenegro. Partnership with CERN is also an opportunity to make a certain contribution to the science at the highest European and world level as a society. This is a special honour and incentive for Montenegro," the Prime Minister wrote.

At the end of the visit, Prime Minister Markovic spoke with the Montenegrin scientists working at the CERN.


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