- Government of Montenegro
INTERPOL Secretary General pays visit to Montenegr...
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INTERPOL Secretary General pays visit to Montenegro: Montenegro is leader in using new services of INTERPOL
Published on: Oct 18, 2017 • 11:40 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (18 October 2018) – Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Interior and Foreign Policy Zoran Pažin hosted earlier today Secretary General of INTERPOL Jürgen Stock, who is paying official visit to Montenegro.
DPM Pažin underlined that Montenegro is fully committed to implementing the INTERPOL's goals, adding that the country appreciates the ability to use the INTERPOL's information system and databases. Having in mind the overall results achieved so far, DPM Pažin stressed that Directorate for the international cooperation of the Ministry of the Interior has processed almost 35 000 cases as a clear indicator of using the INTERPOL’s systems. DPM Pažin also voiced the Government’s full commitment to improving cooperation with this global police organisation, adding that Montenegro is ready to continue using the existing and new information exchange systems.
INTERPOL Secretary General Stock highlighted that Montenegro is a leader in using new INTERPOL’s services, adding that NBC INTERPOL Podgorica is a unique example among member states that uses all important systems of the global exchange information platform. He reiterated that Montenegro is a user of new INTERPOL’s projects, voicing the willingness to engage Montenegro in the planned programs of cooperation of this international police organisation. Mr Stock also commended the Government’s political support to the authorities in charge of cooperation with INTERPOL.
The two officials highlighted that all the INTERPOL’s member states should be committed to strengthening of the mutual trust and implementing the goals set out by the organisation. New global challenges and security threats require the joint response of all the member states, particularly when it comes to the fight against terrorism and suppressing the activities of organised criminal groups at the international level, the meeting pointed out.
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