- Government of Montenegro
PM Marković in interview with Global Citizen: We a...
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PM Marković in interview with Global Citizen: We are restoring old glory to Montenegro, enriching it with new contents
Published on: Oct 19, 2017 • 8:51 PM Author: PR Service
Sveti Stefan, Montenegro (19 October 2017) -- Prime Minister Duško Marković said in an interview with the "Global Citizen" magazine published on the occasion of the global forum taking place in Montenegro that in the past ten months, his government managed to fulfil the main features of its programme, namely NATO membership, and ambitious economic achievements, but that the most important result is that the government has managed to bring new optimism into society.
“The Government was formed ten months ago in a situation when Montenegro emerged from a long election campaign and from parliamentary elections as well in which we had the most direct interference by one great force aimed to prevent the integration of Montenegro into the Western structures, primarily in NATO... Half a year ago, wanting to give additional legitimacy to the upcoming elections, we even ceded to the opposition the most important government ministries and two vice-presidential positions. However, the gain on the political agenda was paid in the economic agenda. The consequences of such a government is that I found a state of extremely high public debt and a budget deficit,” the Prime Minister underlined.
Responding to the question on how Montenegro overcomes its own past, the Prime Minister recalled Churchill who once said that the Balkans produces more history than it can consume, adding that Montenegrins want to make sure that their own history, which the they are proud of, does not block them.
“We are oriented towards the future - towards investments, towards raising citizens' standards, towards Western values, towards positioning Montenegro to the place where it belongs as an old European country. And by that we are specific in the region,” Prime Minister Marković said, adding that Montenegro is the only country in the region which is constitutionally founded as a civic country, proud of its multi-ethnic and multi-confessional harmony.
PM Duško Marković stated that the economic gap between Montenegro and highly developed European countries, as well as the lack of knowledge, are the greatest challenge not only for Montenegro, but for the region as a whole.
When asked how he sees Montenegro in the future, the Prime Minister said that he is certain that Montenegro will be one of the most prestigious tourist, investment and business destinations in Europe in the ten years, and a society of far higher standard of living and certainly a country of peace and stability that will essentially, and not only geographically, belong to the world of the most developed countries.
On what ground do I create this kind of conviction? On the fact that in the years immediately following the restoration of independence, that is after 2006, Montenegro experienced a record GDP growth in Europe and one of the highest in the world. The global crisis has interrupted this progress, but, as I explained at the beginning, a new takeover phase started this year. Fifty years ago, the biggest stars of the world's jet set were coming to Montenegro on vacation - Richard Burton, Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida... They were greeted by the former Yugoslav President Tito, who had a summer residence here, which is preserved in its original ambiance today. We are restoring the old glory to Montenegro and we are enriching it with new contents. Over the past ten years of independence, we have created a recognised and prestigious destination from the former country of typical socialist resorts. Now that we have completed major state projects - the restoration of independence and NATO membership, when it is certain that Montenegro will be the next member of the EU - we shall turn to the development and internal reforms that will launch us into the world elite. Montenegro is the country in this region with the biggest changes occurred over the past decades. We shall continue at the same pace,” the Prime Minister underscored.
At the end of the interview, the Prime Minister expressed the belief that the world our children will inherit will be better than today.
"I consider our ability to timely recognise the greatest global challenges and our readiness to respond to such challenges of key importance. On the other hand, the pace and intensity of changes indicate that we shall be more efficient in recognising and addressing challenges. If we manage to preserve nature - we will succeed," said Montenegrin Prime Minister Duško Marković in an interview with the Global Citizen magazine.
Link to the original interview: https://issuu.com/global-citizen/docs/gc_39_gcf/64
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