Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Prime Minister Đukanović participated in Athens Summit

Published on: May 25, 2003 6:00 AM Author: Govori i Izjave

Finally, I would say that the age of political tensions in the Balkans has ended. Today, the economic issues have the priority. European Union and the entire international community have to be focused on the economic restructuring of this region. There is also a need for the practical help to the our pro-European Governments, so that Europe could complete its civilization heritage and social system on the Continent. Anyway, this is more practical thing to do than financial supporting of the military effectives in the area. It would also be the contribution in an overall change of the Balkan way of thinking. This is the main precondition for the future essential changes of the system, economy and of the society in general and the very best interest of the European stability and the future of the united Europe.
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