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Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation The third training cycle for the project of streng...
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The third training cycle for the project of strengthening participation in Horizon 2020 completed
Published on: Jun 9, 2017 • 6:51 PM Author: Ministry of Science

-This is one of the best workshops I have attended so far. There are many examples from practice and trainings are held by people with experience, which is of great importance for the participants, Milutin Radonjić, Assistant Professor from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Montenegro, said.
Similar impressions were shared by Ljiljana Belada from the Directorate for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. According to her, workshops were useful not only for participants who had experience in applying under the Horizon 2020 programme, but also for those who had no prior experience with the procedure.
-The workshop lecturers are also evaluators of applications on behalf of the European Commission, so they gave us additional clarifications from the expert point of view and pointed out the key elements they take into consideration when evaluating the applications, Belada said while speaking of her workshop impressions.
The experts, Alex Percy Smith and Marc Bigret, shared with the training participants the examples of good practice that should serve as a model for them when applying.
-They wanted to transfer their knowledge and experience in the development of the applications, which is extremely useful for us, Predrag Raković, an associate at the Mediteran University, said.
The participants of the trainings have invited all the interested parties to apply for the next training call, in order to obtain useful information and be more successful when applying with the projects.
The five-day training programme included specific preparations and development of project ideas, the manner of creating a consortium, applying, budgeting, administrative and contracting procedures, as well as managing a specific project.
The third training cycle was attended by representatives of the University of Montenegro, Mediteran University, the University of Donja Gorica, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Science, the Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, and the representatives of the Centre of Excellence (BIO ICT) and the MNE Project Management.
The training was conducted by experts of the IBF consulting company, Alex Percy Smith, Marc Bigret and Birgit Kerstens.
The fourth training cycle, of the total of six, is planned to be held on 26-30 June 2017.
The call is open to scientific research institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the public sector in the following areas: agriculture, food safety, human health and information and communication technologies.
The trainings for development and implementation of project ideas under the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – Horizon 2020 are implemented within the framework of the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), through the project of “Strengthening National Participation in Horizon 2020”, worth a total of EUR 299,000.00.
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