- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Finance PRESS RELEASE: Fiscalis 2020 Workshop on "Spill-ov...
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PRESS RELEASE: Fiscalis 2020 Workshop on "Spill-over effects of Member States' tax treaties on developing countries" in Podgorica
Published on: Mar 15, 2018 • 4:54 PM Author: Ivona Mihajlović - administrator
Podgorica, 15 March 2018 – The Ministry of Finance and the Tax Administration of Montenegro are hosting a Fiscalis 2020 workshop on "Spill-over effects of Member States' tax treaties on developing countries", to be held today and tomorrow in Podgorica.
The workshop is participated by representatives of ministries of finance and tax administrations of 24 EU Member States and 4 candidate countries, as well as representatives of the European Commission, international organisations, academia, business and NGOs.
Representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro will give a presentation on double taxation treaties from the perspective of Montenegro as a developing country, reviewing the treaties succeeded from the period of Yugoslavia, as well as the experience in negotiation of treaties after regaining of independence.
Representatives of the Netherlands and Norway will present their in analysing spillover effects of DTAs on developing countries.Through presentations, case studies and interactive sessions all the participants will have the opportunity to discuss the best practice and technical aspects of tax treaties, the scope of revenues they cover, as well as the relation between the treaties and the EU acquis in the field of taxation.
The workshop is very relevant for the Ministry of Finance and Tax Administration of Montenegro, with the view to the EU pre-accession processess, as well as the commitment towards meeting the criteria of the EU Code of Conduct Group, which imply joining the Global forum on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes, signing the Multilateral convention and the application of anti-BEPS measures, for the sake of efficient sanctioning of tax evasion, with which the event topic is closely related.
Fiscalis 2020 is a programme of the European Union which provides a forum for tax administrations to exchange information and expertise in the tax field, as well as networking possibilities for tax officers among Europe and development of Intra-European information systems. Montenegro joined the programme in 2015, and this workshop has been the first event hosted by Montenegro through the programme.
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